Friday 28 May 2010

Congratulations On Your Baby

Congratulations On Your BabyWe hear you've created a cute little tot,You're staring adoringly; you love him/her a lot.Congratulations! Good Work! Let's all give a cheer!You're baby will get cuter with every year!

Treasured Offspring

Treasured OffspringAs babies go, yours must be rare,For it got its life from quite a pair!No doubt your offspring is a special treasure,It's from you two, and you're both a pleasure.May he be a joy and blessing to you,You'll be good parents in all you do.We rejoice at this wonderful thing you've done,Enjoy your baby and have great fun!

Very Amazing Joy

Amazing JoyA new family member has arrived,Your darling, precious baby.Your lives are filled with amazing love,And sleep has become a "maybe!"Congratulations! Now enjoyYour dear and special treasure,Your lives are better, now transformedWith childhood’s awesome pleasure.

Your New Arrival

Your New ArrivalIt’s got a cute nose and big round eyes,It’s created excitement you can’t disguise,It’s a wonderful baby from a perfect pair,And that’s reason enough for a great fanfare.So... ta-dah!Congratulations on your new arrival.

Joy Without Measure

Joy Without MeasureWe heard the good news,So it's hip, hip, hooray!We're so happy for you,And we hope and we prayThat your brand new additionIs a wonderful treasure,And along with the work,He/she brings joy beyond measure.

Baby Announcement Poem

Baby Announcement PoemThis is to inform you,To keep you updated,Someone's arrived at our houseTo whom we're related.He screams and he wailsBut he still brings us joy,For the arrival we haveIs a new baby boy.

A Natural High

A Natural HighWhat else could bring you so much joyAs the arrival of your baby boy!His snuggly charms now capture you;He's in your thoughts in all you do.Nothing can fill you so full of gleeAs bouncing your little boy on your knee.His precious antics please mom and dad;He's a bundle of blessings, this little lad!His boyish grin enchants everyone;He's just what you wanted your boy, your son.A baby

Amazing Joy

Amazing JoyThere’s lots of fun,And we don’t mean maybe,Coming to youWith your boy baby.Your life is filledWith amazing joyBy this adorable creature,Your baby boy.Watch him, love him,Learn again how to play,As your own inner childComes out more every day.Take lots of timeTo enjoy your son,Because much too soon,Childhood is done.Congratulations on your new treasure!

Sweet Pink Angel

Sweet Pink AngelCongratulations on your new addition,A baby girl is a treasure rare,A sweet pink angel, a little doll,Nothing else can quite compare.Her smiles and coos will bring you joy,She'll fill your hearts with love and pleasure,So cherish these special infant times,With your little girl, your precious treasure.

Boy, Oh Boy!

Boy, Oh Boy!Your life will be filled with riotous joy;You’re in for it now; boy, oh boy!Your new and thrilling life begins,Full of baby boy coos and mischievous grins.He’ll use every trick and baby ployTo get your attention...your baby boy.Soon he’ll crawl, explore and run;His boyish adventures will never be done.So don’t waste time with your newest toy,He’ll be grown in a moment, your cute baby

Collect Sweet Memories

Collect Sweet MemoriesI/We hear you have a new addition,A sweet little gal who is quite a magician,Transforming each normal adult who sees herTo a comical fool just trying to please her.She'll wrap you around her little finger,As around her crib you often linger,Searching for what can make your hearts twirlThe adorable smile of your baby girl.Cherish each moment while she's still small.Collect

Watch Out For Girls!

Watch Out For Girls!A baby girl knows from the very beginningHow to play life’s game and come out winning.Her pink-cheeked face, her adorable curlsWill reel you right in; that’s the way of girls.She’ll flutter those lashes in a wide-eyed stare;It’s all calculated to make you care.And those baby girl noises, the sigh and the coo...She’ll play baby poker, and the jackpot is you!But whatever happens

Thank You for the Present

Thank You for the PresentThank you for coming to my baby shower;Thank you for the present.That you were there is special to me;Seeing you is always pleasant!

Baby Shower Greeting

Baby Shower GreetingYour baby shower is here,And I’m glad I got invited.Here’s a baby gift,I hope you’ll be delighted!

Come to a Baby Shower

Come to a Baby ShowerI'll soon be here to meet you!I've got lots of fun to share,And now here's a baby showerTo help my mom prepare.So come and join the party,With friends and family,To anticipate the arrivalOf her baby Hey, that's me!Sign it"Baby (last name)"

Thank You for the Baby Gift

Thank You for the Baby GiftThank you for the baby gift;I know that I will use it.I appreciate your thoughtfulness,And the time you took to choose it!

Cherish This Time

Cherish This TimeSo your baby is here!What joy and what pleasure!Now your life is expanding,To make room for this treasure.A darling newcomerTo have and to holdHer (His) smiles are more preciousThan silver or gold.She’ll (He’ll) demolish your scheduleThough she’s helpless and small;She’ll make her needs known,And she’ll rule over all.See, a new parent’s workIs just never quite done,But you’ll

A Baby Changes Things

A Baby Changes ThingsA baby changes things;They’ll never be the same;Your life is filled with wonder,Since your little miracle came.There’s lots of things to do now,But with the new tasks you face,Your family gains more love,And bonds time will never erase.Congratulations on your new addition!

Time Well Spent

Time Well SpentSee tiny fingers and tiny toes,Bright baby eyes, cute baby nose;Hear baby gurgles and baby sighs,As Mom and Dad sing lullabies.Life is changed, but that's okay;It's fun to spend glad hours each day,Taking time for all the goodThat comes along with parenthood.

Wednesday 26 May 2010


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Anniversary Wishes

Anniversary WishesMay the good Lord see and bless you,On your anniversary day.May He always be your companion,And guide you on your way.May your bonds of marriage strengthen,Holding strong amidst all fears.And may our friendship stay untarnished,Through the wearing of the years.By Karl Fuchs

Have a Bright and Happy Day!

Have a Bright and Happy Day!Happy anniversary to you both;Have a bright and happy day.Your marriage sets an example;It shines in every way.Through time your bond is strong;It lasts through sun and storm;You’ll always have your loveTo keep each other warm.By Joanna Fuchs

Let's Give A Cheer

Let's Give A CheerCome everyone let’s give a cheer,In celebration of a couple dear.A couple who in love unite,And are seldom cross and rarely fight.To a couple who bring joy to all,May you laugh and sing and have a ball.May happiness surround you two,That is what I wish for you.By Karl Fuchs

Wedded Bliss

Wedded BlissAnother year for you in wedded bliss.Did you guess it would still be as good as this?Days filled with friendship and deep affection,A relationship of love close to perfection.It’s nice to know a perfect pair like you,You prove a happy marriage can come true.I hope with many more years you both are blessed,And each new anniversary is the best.By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

Another Year

Another YearAnother year to createprecious memories together.Another year to discovernew things to enjoy about each other.Another year to builda life rich in love and laughter.Another year to strengthena marriage that defines "forever."Happy Anniversary!By Joanna Fuchs

Love's Blessing

Love's BlessingLife bestows love’s blessing,On a very special few.And I believe it happened,When life encountered you.You are a perfect couple,In a marriage that is blessed;May your love shine like a beacon,A guide for all the rest.By Karl Fuchs

Favored Couple

Favored CoupleNo one can know what the outcomeOf spending years together will be.Being happy together is a gift,And enduring love is the key.So here's to a favored couple;Everything has worked right for you.May your future bring more of the same,And your love remain strong and true.By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

Few So Lucky

Few So LuckyThere are few who are so luckyTo have the things you do,Companionship and friendship,And loving feelings, too.As friends we wish these pleasuresWill last forevermore,For we know that you will ever beA couple whom we adore.By Karl Fuchs

Anniversary Toast

Anniversary ToastHere's a toast to the two of youAs you celebrate together;You're the poster kids for happiness,In sunny or stormy weather.Your love continues, warm and bright;May it shine throughout the years;You’re an example for the rest of us,So here’s to you: Three cheers!By Joanna Fuchs

When You Found Each Other

When You Found Each OtherWhen you two found each other,you gained the finest prize:a companion to share life’s joys,a friend who lightens burdens,whose company is always a comfort.When you found each other,you embraced the love you had dreamed of,the source of endless pleasureand memories to treasure.May your anniversary remind youof how precious that day was,when you found each other.By Joanna


Remember?Remember the first flush of lovethat drew you powerfully together?It still feeds the unassailable bondthat makes your marriage so secure.Remember all the qualities about each otheryou found so endearing?They are still there,and new ones create sweet surprises.Remember thinking that this lovewould last forever?Your love has strengthened and growninto eternal affection and admiration.Years

Time to Reflect

Time to ReflectOn your anniversary,it’s time to reflect on all the joyyour marriage has brought you over the years.Remember your wedding day?Your wedding photos showyour affection, your passion,the bond you feel with one another.Since that day,many more pleasures have come to youbecause you chose to love each other.As you reminisce,let those fond, happy memoriesstrengthen your commitmentto love

Best Marriage

Best MarriageYour anniversary marks the dayWhen you both said "I do."The two of you became as one,A marriage bright and new.Now time has passed; your love is strong;You passed the early test.Your tender bond grows with passing time;Your marriage is the kind that’s best!By Joanna Fuchs

Loving Pair

Loving PairIt takes two special people,To make a loving pair.There’s a joy just being around you,A feeling I/we love to share.We send anniversary wishes to you,For years of joy and pleasure.May each year keep getting better,With memories to treasure.By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

Anniversary Joy

Anniversary JoyYour anniversary is a timeFor sharing your affection;It’s obvious the two of youHave quite a deep connection!I/We send glad congratulationsAnd heartfelt wishes, too,For joyful happiness and loveIn everything you do.


The publishing rights of some of the poems on this site (such as Wedding, Funny and other Poems) have become anonymous. A large part of the remaining poems have been entered into our site by the poets is a non-profit site. Poems are published on this site purely for educational reasons, for the purpose of information and with good intentions. If the legal