Monday 20 June 2011

A Land

A Land

In a land where hearts were forsaken,
and the the feelings of solitude were already taken
To replace virtues that were forbidden
where the moon and sun were just a silver blazing,
and wake up the volcano of flaming
It's just a nice gaming
When our peace are waiting
Some black dealers for payment
Of my stolen statement of pacient
In the land of cold punishment
Oh lord i'm just a slave

The Gardener

The Gardener

Intent on her task, she gazes
at the earth, stooping.
Raking parched leaves, she scoops
them up with gloved hands,
the black plastic bag protesting
against the wind.
See how she removes a glove
and wipes her brow,
the back of her hand riddled with
the sands of time.
See how she turns her weathered
face to the warming sun:
a lover’s kiss.
Wrinkled as the leaves
beneath her feet, she

Sunday 19 June 2011

Dormant Underlings

Dormant Underlings
gelid banks freezing
incapacitated fields
dormant underlings

by : Allesandra Patti

Consummation haiku

Consummation haiku
Soft snow melting down
the mountain, kissed by the sun -
spring consummation.

by : Allesandra Patti

Saturday 18 June 2011

Border Town

Border Town

The days in Border Town shimmer
with dust that hangs in the air palpable as pudding.
The nights lonesome as a coyote's cry,
and black as death, except for the bright lights
from El Paso, flickering like fireflies.
'You're wasting your time, Johnny, ' Sally says,
pouring thick black coffee into his tin cup.
'Them mines are dry as coyote bones
now that the rush is over and everybody's

My Love

My Love

The love I’ve given you,
I hope you’ll carry it along
Not to make it special,
But to make it last long,
Giving you my trustiness,
Giving you all my love,
Giving all that I ever had
Just so you’ll know that I love you.
We made promises,
Love gave us happiness,
We’d shared our secrets
But now, you’ve done it.
You’ve broken your promises
You’ve broken my heart
You’ve broken everything that

Friday 17 June 2011

Memories of You

Memories of You

The memories of you,
I will keep,
I’ll keep them forever
Forever, the memories of you
If I knew you weren’t gonna stay long,
I would have never let you leave me one bit,
Cause I know
That we’ll have not much time to be with.
The love you’ve given me
Will be kept in my heart forever
Even if I die, or you’re gone
I’ll still love you
Those memories will be the one,
The one for me to

Why you tell me

Why you tell me

Why did you tell me you loved me
when you knew you didn't mean it?
Why did you tell me we were meant to be
when even you didn't beleive it?
Why did yo hold me close
but not close to your heart?
Why did you say love grows
when you knew you weren't love smart?
Why did you tell me to leave
after you said all of these things?
Why did you let me believe
your love for me sings?
Why you

Thursday 16 June 2011

Our Moments Together

Our Moments Together

Our moments together,
Will be remembered by me,
The things we did together,
Wouldn’t be erased,
So if I was to leave you,
I would rather die
Than to see you go
And leave with the pain…

by : Mai Xiong yang

Because of You

Because of You

Because of your voice,
I remember you.
Because of your scent,
You stay with me forever.
Because I dream of you,
I can’t keep my mind off of you.
Because of you,
I miss you,
And because I miss you
You’re everything in my life
And because you’re everything in my life,
I can’t live without you,
And if I can’t live without you,
I rather not live, than to die for you.

by : Mai Xiong

Is it love?

Is it love

when our eyes meet
and i feel your hands slide across my cheek?
Is it love
when you lean to your side
and both of our breaths collide?
Is is love
when your lips touch mine
so soft, so fine
Is it love
when i can't think
but of only the magic which makes my worries shrink?
Is it love
when we come apart
and the only thing i feel is the beating of my heart?

by : lacey jackson

Good Bye

Good Bye

He passed by me in the hall today
and the strangest thing happened.
His eyes stuck on me but he had nothing to say
and his smile flattened.
So i just want to know why.
Did he think he shouldn't of let go
or was it his way of saying bye?

by : lacey jackson

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Over Pretected

Over Pretected

 Like a thick blanket thrown over the sun
I am pretected and hided from all my fun.
How can I make mistakes if I do not explore
one little pinch of fun and I'm begging for more.
Work and work and work and it's still not enough
If your giving your best, will there be any time for love?
Hiden from dangers and a prisoner from life
you want noone to take over your strife.



I thought I chose the right one and now I'm not so sure
theres other fish in the sea and I'm ready to explore.
With every lie that you told my spirit broke
and nowi realize you didn't mean those words that you spoke.
With each and every fight you try to keep me calm
because you love to see me eating out of your palm.
You look as if you want people to treat you like a god
but your

Beautiful Goodbyes

Beautiful Goodbyes

People laugh and people cry
they hate the say their goodbyes.
Your heart hurts because your in pain
you wish everything could have been the same.
Now your wondering why is this happening to me
but you still have the love and memmories.
Sometimes you feel like the world is upside down
It's like your lost and want to be found.
Your down like you've lost your fight
keep uour chin

The land is Sierra Leone

The land is Sierra Leone
Sierra leone is the country.
Everything is nice and merry.
The flag is green, white and blue.
She is the most beautiful place tis true.
She has the best natural harbour.
She has tall trees and birds with beautiful colour.
Her motto is unity, freedom and justice.
Serving and defending her is our daily practice.
She is popular for her riches.
She is beautified with beaches.