Wednesday 30 June 2010


Alone.Love,can it become stronger in in death with her alone.I sit alone,It drifts all around me.. you..Feelings there they aren't both the same.I coquetted all, they sway me not, wishing to drink aloneeach and all but one, touched by all, seeing none alone one..isPeople watch me, as do you alone, with others some I knewnone like you, alone, even inside of you but one


Alone I walk alone,I used to have you.but now I walk alone.I sleep alone.I used to sleep beside youbut now I sleep alone.I talk alone,I used to talk to youall day about everything,now I don't talk at all.I watch movies alone,listen to music alone,laugh alone,eat alone.I used to do all those things with you.I dream alone,no more dreams of you,I've forgotten what you look like,my dreams are


AloneYou are gone andI amStill here.Still here,Without you,Alone in the darkness,Alone until end of worldAnd beyond that.You have taken,Half of me,With you,You haveBroken me,Into pieces,And I can not,Control it anymore,I am a mess,A mess because ofYou,You left me,Alone,Alone withoutAn explanationI am alone,Without you,Alone in the darkness,Alone,I have only,My broken heardWith : hanski sal

Wayward Star

Wayward StarCherrywood fibers converge and yaw
Hiding and revealing her basalt eyes
She floats away while my heart dries
Embered feelings frail as strawLo to remain with wayward starSet upon the wind too soon and lightly rapturedFor time itself unkey myself now captured
Together still but yet afar

The Dream Road

The Dream RoadI've had a dream, since I was youngOf just how life should be,But through the years, try as I might,That dream eluded me.I dreamed of a life that was filled with bliss;I dreamed of love and sharing.I dreamed, imagined and creatively plannedAn adventure for two who were caring.The road to today was paved with the dreamsThat slowly got ground to dust.And I've trudged that road and

Because of You

Because of YouI was self sufficient,gratified by my independence,alone, but not lonely,I thought.But I was restless,searching blindly for somethingto fill an empty placeI didn't even know I had,dimly awarethat I was somehow unfinished.Then you came,and filled everything,every space, every need,even secret dreamsI had concealed from myself.I was self sufficient,and restless;Now I am profoundly

The Wizard

The WizardThere's a story told of a wizardWho, for money, would cast a spell,And I'm sure that you met this wizard,And you, his wares he did sell.What else can explain how your smileCan make my heartbeat roar,Or how your look slows my breathing,While causing my spirits to soar.I'm sure that you and this wizardConspired to control my brain,For I'm always thinking about youFeeling happy and

My Girl with the Reddish Hair

My Girl with the Reddish HairPirates bold in days of oldSearched the world for treasure rare,But none they found as bright and sound,As my girl with the reddish hair.Precious gold and sparkling jewelsWere fortunes to make men care,But none were worth a pennyNext to my girl with the reddish hair.These pirates fought and died for wealth,Their lives I wouldn’t share,For I have the only wealth I need

Tuesday 29 June 2010

I’m Writing It Down

I’m Writing It DownSometimes a man’s mind and tongueseem disconnected.My mind realizes your wonderfulness,but my tongue might fail to tell you.Maybe, since my eyes and brainsee how very obviousyour lovely, endearing qualities are,my tongue thinksI don’t need to let you know.In case there is any doubtabout what I am thinking and feeling,I am writing it down for you:I always thinkyou are the

You Let Me Be Me

You Let Me Be MeWhile others tell me I have faults and flaws,And pick me all apart and criticize,You love me, sweetheart, just the way I am,I only see affection in your eyes.My pesky quirks you only find endearing,Your perfect mate is what you choose to see,I love you for a multitude of reasons,And most of all 'cause you let me be me.I never have to change to meet your standards,Acceptance is the

A Dream Fulfilled

A Dream FulfilledHow could anyone ever know,The sweet dreams that I dreamt as a youth,Could blossom and focus and grow,Until now they’d turn up as a truth.A truth filled with blessing and wonder,A truth filled with love and with caring,A truth with a voice loud as thunder,A truth with a message worth sharing.For you, my love, filled all my dreams,Of a life I thought never could be.Now with you at

The Prisoner

The PrisonerWhat is it about you that makes me feel weak,And gives me the goose bumps whenever you speak?Why does the sight of you fill me with pleasure,Like a spotlight that shines on a glorious treasure?Are you so different from others I’ve known?What qualities do you have that are yours alone?What can it be that fills up my heart?And makes me feel lost whenever we part?There’s no easy answer

Monday 28 June 2010


LuckyWe all are explorers on the great sea of life,We search and we hunt for our pleasure.Some adventures are fruitful, and some disappoint,But few find a gem they can treasure.I’m so blessed I found you as my priceless prize,You’re a treasure in every way.I searched with the rest and discovered the best,Finding you was my luckiest day.

I Think Of You

I Think Of YouWhen I think of you, you fill my mind,There’s no more thinking room I find.I’ve never had such thoughts before,I’m lost in you, whom I adore.I think no more of mundane things,Like common pleasures that living brings.I just think of you, and I’m filled with dreams,To keep your love fills all my schemes.


BeautifulMy thoughts of you are like raindrops on flowers...Beautiful.My thoughts of you are like a rainbow at a splashing waterfall...Beautiful.My thoughts of you are like a full moonshining through a cloudy night sky...Beautiful.No matter what wonders my eyes have seen,Nothing compares to the beauty I seewhen I look at you.My love for you is beautiful.


AlwaysI always yearn to come to you,be with you,connect with you,unite with you,merge with you.I always love to nurture you,nourish you,meet your needs,feed your hungers.I will always cherish you,treasure you,adore you.I aways want to be yours,always.

Sunday 27 June 2010

I Miss You

I Miss YouI miss you in the morning,I miss you late at night.Just to think about youIs my joy and my delight.I can't wait to see you,Please hurry and come back.You always make me happy,You have that special knack!

May All Good Things Be Yours

May All Good Things Be YoursYour happiness beginsWith your wonderful wedding day.You’ll share everything together,Through it all, your love will stay.Congratulations to you,As you begin your happy life.May all good things be yours,As new husband and new wife.

Valentine Smile

Valentine SmileOn Valentine's Day we think of thoseWho make our lives worthwhile,Those gracious, friendly people whoWe think of with a smile.I am fortunate to know you,That's why I want to say,To a rare and special person:Happy Valentine's Day!

Compatible Valentine

Compatible ValentineOn Valentine’s Day, we think aboutThe people who are dear,How much they add to life’s delightWhenever they are near.You’ve always been a total joy,Such pleasant company,I/We very much appreciateOur compatibility!

No One Loves Me Like You Do

No One Loves Me Like You DoNo one loves me like you do,I’ve never felt like this,You please me in so many ways,With a word, a caress, a kiss.No one understands me like you do,You see me deep inside,You choose to overlook my flaws,The ones I try to hide.No one satisfies me like you do,When our bodies intertwine,You give so much with your tender touch,You’re amazing, and you’re mine!No one loves me

You Just Keep On Loving Me

You Just Keep On Loving MeNo matter what I look like,Whether pretty or plain you see,When I’m all dressed up or in PJs,You just keep on loving me.Sometimes I’m happy and cheerful,Other times grumpy and sad,Your absolute love never wavers,Whether I’m grouchy or glad.Sometimes I try to change you,And sometimes I criticize,But I feel something melting within me,When I see all the love in your

Safe Within Our Love

Safe Within Our LoveHow did this miracle happenThat we're so very blessed,So close…and more contented,Than I ever would have guessed.I never thought that ICould spend each precious minuteWith just one special personAnd find happiness within it.I've learned so much from youAbout loving, sharing, giving,I know if I hadn't met you,I wouldn't be really living.We're facing life together,We're handling

All The Things I Love About You

All The Things I Love About YouI love you for the warm, sweet affectionin your eyeswhenever you look at me,and the special smileyou save only for me.I love that you always seekto have your body close to mine,reaching out to touch,to hold my hand,to wrap your arms around me.I love how you show me you careby looking for waysto make my life easier and more comfortable.I love that when I ask you to

Saturday 26 June 2010

Thank You!

Thank You!I really appreciate you,Your helpful, giving ways,And how your generous heartYour unselfishness displays.I thank you for your kindness,I will not soon forget,You’re one of the nicest peopleI have ever met.

Thank You For Inviting Us

Thank You For Inviting UsThank you for inviting usTo your Thanksgiving dinner.A day spent in your companyIs invariably a winner.Thank you for the time you spentPreparing all the food,For making us feel welcome,You have our gratitude!

Number One Teacher

Number One Teacher(Name of teacher),I'm happy that you're my teacher,I enjoy each lesson you teach.As my role model you inspire meTo dream and to work and to reach.With your kindness you get my attention;Every day you are planting a seedOf curiosity and motivationTo know and to grow and succeed.You help me fulfill my potential,I'm thankful for all that you've done.I admire you each day, and I

The Teacher Gets A+

The Teacher Gets A+(Name of teacher),I look forward to your classWhen I come to school.You're an awesome teacher,I think you're very cool.You're smart and fair and friendly,You're helping all of us.And if I got to grade you,From me you'd get A+!

Reaching Out

Reaching OutMy heart is reaching out to you,For what you’re going through,I’m thinking of you frequentlyAnd praying for you, too.If there’s something I can do,Anything at all,Think of me thinking of you,And don’t hesitate to call.

One In A Million

One In A MillionYou're one in a million, my most special one,Your radiant smile is as bright as the sun,You're smart and caring and have many great charms,And my heart really sings when you're in my arms.I'm happy you chose me from all of the rest,And I'm proud 'cause I know that I got the best.You're so cute and so sweet, and you glow like a pearl,I just love you so much, my most wonderful girl!

Come to Me

Come to MeWhen you’re away from meI long for my thoughts,in the center of my soul.I yearn to seethe affection in your depths of love for me.I crave the safe warmthof your arms around cave of comfort, ease and peace.My body aches with hunger for you...the exquisite tortureof delayed ecstasy,coming soon, coming soon.I long for you, I yearn for you,I ache for you...

A Love Song

A Love SongLet me sing you a love songAbout what I feel in my heart,Butterflies can't find nectarWhenever we're apart.You're a flower in bloom.In the dark, in the gloom,It's you who brightens my day.How many ways do I need you?Every day, every way, come what may.

Reasons Why

Reasons WhyOur love is the long lasting kind,We’ve been together quite awhile.I love you for so many things,Your voice, your touch, your kiss, your smile.You accept me as I am;I can relax and just be me.Even when my quirks come out,You think they’re cute, you let me be.With you, there’s nothing to resist,You’re irresistible to me.I’m drawn to you in total trust,I give myself to you willingly.Your

Friday 25 June 2010

Graduation Song for Young Children

Graduation Song for Young ChildrenWe’re graduating now,We’re graduating now,We’re going to a (insert grade) class,We’re graduating now.We’ll learn some new things there,We’ll learn some new things there,We’re going to have a lot of fun,We’ll learn some new things there.We’ll meet and make good friends,We’ll meet and make good friends,We’ll like them, and they’ll like us, too,We’ll meet and make

Until I Met You

Until I Met YouBefore I met you,I thought I was happy,and I was,but I had never knownthe rich contentment,deep satisfaction,and total fulfillmentyou brought to mewhen you came into my life.Before I met you,I felt a lot of things,good things,but I had never experiencedthe indescribably intensefeelings I have for you.Before I met you,I thought I knew myself,and I did,but you looked deep inside

Creatures of the Fire

Creatures of the FireWe swan-dive into the volcano, burning,We’re creatures of the fire,Mingled male and female, yearningFor the heat, the sweet explosion of desire.I splash into the pleasure, all consuming,I’m joyfully insane,My passion for you deep, and fully blooming,Long after, sweet warm flickers still remain.You make my body sizzle with your kisses,And yet there’s so much more,My heart is

Never Like This

Never Like ThisI’ve held others before,But it was never like this,Where my body inhales youAnd quivers with bliss,Where my senses are reelingFrom the strength of desire,And if I can’t have you soon,I’ll be consumed by the fire.

Thursday 24 June 2010

The Tyrants

The TyrantsThe tyrants are on the loose again,They hate all but their own.They give their lives to kill us,To scatter our blood and bone.They care not whom they murder,Whether woman, man or child,Their minds are full of fury,Their sickness has gone wild.To rule the world with violenceIs their one and only goal,Terror is their method,They want complete control.We’ve seen it all before,And we could

We Are Graduating Now

We Are Graduating NowWe are graduating now, andThings are coming to an end.We appreciate our teachers,And we’ll never lose a friend.We will remember what we learned here,We will remember everything.And when we are gone from this place,To our memories we’ll cling.Education is the best thingThat we ever will possess.We will use what our school taught usTo achieve our own success.We are connected to

Graduation Song

Graduation SongWe’re graduatingInto our future,AnticipatingOnly the best.Spreading our wings now,We’ll do great things now,Meet every challenge,Pass every test.We’ll overcome what,ever life hands us,Use what we learned hereFor our success.We’ll bloom whereverOur journey lands us,Reaching our goal ofSweet happiness.Friendships unbrokenAre what we made here,Though words aren’t spoken,Feelings are

Work Is Play

Work Is PlayEveryone is proud of what you’ve done,You’ve learned a lot and had some fun.Now there's more school up ahead,Just make your work seem like play instead.And if you play the game that way,How far you’ll go, no one can say.

You've Done Your Job

You've Done Your JobNow it's time to graduateYou did well, and that is greatYou've done your job, and we're so proud,We want to dance and shout out loud!

New Year’s Eve Party Invitation

New Year’s Eve Party InvitationThe New Year’s rolling in,We’re planning quite a bash.We need to have you here.So it will be a smash!We really want to see you,We hope that you can make it.So help us make our party fun,Or we might have to fake it!Just bring your awesome self (or "selves")And what you want to drink.And we’ll provide the other stuff,Including the kitchen sink!When you let us know you

New Year’s Reflections

New Year’s ReflectionsLooking back on the months gone by,As a new year starts and an old one ends,We contemplate what brought us joy,And we think of our loved ones and our friends.Recalling all the happy times,Remembering how they enriched our lives,We reflect upon who really counts,As the fresh and bright new year arrives.And when I/we ponder those who do,I/we immediately think of you.Thanks for

Happy New Year To You

Happy New Year To YouHappy New Year to you!May every great new dayBring you sweet surprisesA happiness buffet.Happy New Year to you,And when the new year’s done,May the next year be even better,Full of pleasure, joy and fun.

Wednesday 23 June 2010

The Next School

The Next SchoolYou did great work we're proud to say,You did it, and you’re on your way.The next school will be fun for you,And it's something we know that you can do!

You Stand Out

You Stand OutIf every single graduateWere as special as you are,The world would be a better placeAnd everyone a star.In the real world, though,You sure stand outFor your extraordinary traits,Those uncommon things about youEveryone appreciates.So congratulations, graduate!We wish you all the best.We know as you meet life’s challenges,You’ll ace each and every test!

The Special Door

The Special DoorIt took a lot of work,Time, and persistence, too,To achieve the important goalThat you set out to do.That effort now pays off,The world now offers more.To you, new graduate,It opens a special door.Congratulations (Name of graduate),You did it all; you made it through.You took your first step toward success,And (I'm/we're/everyone's) so proud of you!

A New Beginning

A New BeginningAs you make a new beginning in your life, graduate,be aware of important things you didn’t learn in school.As you pursue your dreams,remember to take time to help and serve otherseven if doing so slows you down a little.As you explore and develop your unique talents,remain humble,realizing that your special abilitiesare gifts from God.As life hands you challenges, welcome themas

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Graduation Thank You

Graduation Thank YouThank you for the gift you gaveFor my (8th grade/high school/college) graduation,Thank you for acknowledgingThis special celebration.I’m grateful for your thoughtfulness,I appreciate your present,Thanks for making this eventful timeMore joyful and more pleasant!

Graduation Invitation

Graduation Invitation(I’m/name of person is) graduating from (8th grade, high school, college)Please tell (me/us) you’ll be there,This significant occasionIs an event I/We’d like to share.Please come to (my/this) graduation,To see you is always a pleasure.Your presence in the audienceWould be something (I/we) would treasure!

Graduation Friendship

Graduation FriendshipWe’re graduating, and we knowOur lives will be different and new,We’re going out into the world,Our goals and dreams to pursue.But one thing will never, ever change,As we go our separate ways,The friends we’ve made in school will beOur friends for all our days.The special ties and attachments we’ve made,These bonds will never be broken,We’ll continue to feel that special bond

On Wings of Knowledge

On Wings of KnowledgeThere you are in your cap and tasselReady to make the world your castle,It seems just yesterday you were a kid,Watching everything I/we did.Now we're watching you graduateThe grown young man/woman we helped create!On wings of knowledge you will fly,Following your vision and rising high.We couldn't be prouder, (graduate's name), of you,We wish you success in all you

Monday 21 June 2010

Super Mom

Super MomMom, you're a wonderful mother,So gentle, yet so strong.The many ways you show you careAlways make me feel I belong.You're patient when I'm foolish,You give guidance when I ask,It seems you can do most anything,You're the master of every task.You're a dependable source of comfort,You're my cushion when I fall.You help in times of trouble,You support me whenever I call.I love you more

Everything Mom

Everything MomHow did you find the energy, MomTo do all the things you did,To be teacher, nurse and counselorTo me, when I was a kid.How did you do it all, Mom,Be a chauffeur, cook and friend,Yet find time to be a playmate,I just can’t comprehend.I see now it was love, MomThat made you come whenever I'd call,Your inexhaustible love, MomAnd I thank you for it all.

If You Believe

If You BelieveYour diploma means a future without boundaries,A world that's full of energy and fun.So as you reach for all life has to offer,Remember that you're second to no one.Pursue your goals, yet keep your loved ones close,As you utilize your talent and ambition.Let your friends and family give you their support,And you'll master every challenging transition.And always, (graduate's name),

Graduation Wish

Graduation WishWe wish for you a joy-filled transitionfrom from the shelter of schoolto the wide worldof your accomplishment and success.We wish for you new, stimulating friendships,while you cherish old friends,who provide continuity and comfort.We wish for you a smooth pathon your journey to your chosen destination,and as much delight in your off-road adventuresas there is in reaching your

Awesome Achievement

Awesome AchievementYour college graduationFills us with love and pride.We always knew that you could doWhatever you really tried.It's a long and challenging journeyTo get a college degree,But you wouldn't quit it, you just went and did it,And we're beaming affectionately.Your achievement is awesome, (graduate's name),You've worked hard and you've passed the test.We love you so, and we want you to

Always Be A Student

Always Be A StudentKeep on learning, (graduate's name),Though your graduation's done;Your whole life's an educationThat has only just begun.Your diploma is the first big step,For knowledge is the special keyTo winning what you want in lifeAnd being who you want to be.If you'll always be a student,You'll find the secrets to successAnd travel on the golden roadTo peace and happiness.

Sunday 20 June 2010

Get Well Prayer

Get Well PrayerLord, hear our heartfelt prayerfor the healing of our Christian brother/sister.We pray for your mercy,Your compassion, Your grace and Your love,in making him whole and well again.Make the work of those treating and helping himfull of Your perfection,and grant him a quick and complete recovery.Lead and guide those around himto provide what he needs: encouragement,assistance and

Come Back

Come BackWhy you chose this particular time to get sick,Seems to us an insensitive choice.So don’t be so selfish; don’t be a sloth,Come back so we all can rejoice!We Miss You!

All In Your Head

All In Your HeadLet’s go, get up, stop faking it,Get your sorry behind off that bed.Try positive thinking to get back to work.Your illness is all in your head!At least that's what we hope. Looking forward to your return...

Bright Future

Bright FutureNow that you’ve graduatedNothing can stop you now.You’ve worked hard to get your diploma,It’s time to take a bow.Congratulations graduate!Your future looks strong and bright.May you achieve the things you hope forAnd have a life of sheer delight.

Saturday 19 June 2010

Please Feel Better

Please Feel BetterPlease feel better; get back to yourself real soon,When you’re ill, I hurt 'cause I care.Whenever you’re sick, a part of me mourns;I keep thinking that life isn’t fair.I worry about you and wish you the best,Please get well and become safe and sound.That will give me new hope, and I won’t need to mope,When I see that you’re up and around.

Get Well Soon

Get Well SoonI hope you’re feeling better,I miss you every day.I’m always thinking of you,So this is what I say:Get Well Soon!

Get Back To Work!

Get Back To Work!Get well quick, you lazy bum,There’s lots of work to do.If you stay sick, it’s more work for me,And I’d rather it was for you.

Think Good Thoughts

Think Good ThoughtsBeing sick has a mental part,So use your head to cure you.Thinking good thoughts is the way to start,And smiling works, I assure you.Keep up your spirits to cheer yourself,Don’t let the gloomies win.A happy soul will get well fast,And right now is the time to begin.

Friday 18 June 2010

Bring Back Your Special Spark

Bring Back Your Special SparkI hear you’re feeling not so well,It’s no fun being sickly.Please know I care about you,And hope you get well quickly.When you’re gone, you’re sorely missed,A bit of my world turns dark.So take good care, recuperate,And bring back your special spark!

You Are Deeply Missed

You Are Deeply MissedGet well real fast, my friend,That’s what I wish for you,For while you’re sick you’re deeply missed,So I am sad and blue.So have some pity on me,Don’t leave me in the dump.Return to health real soon, my friend,Or I will be a grump!

Take It Easy

Take It EasyI am so sorryto hear that you are ill.Know that I am thinking of you oftenand praying for your quick recovery.Take it easy, rest,and be kind to yourself,and if there's anything you need,call me first.I miss you, care about youand look forward to seeing you restoredto perfect health.Get well soon.

When You’re Gone

When You’re GoneWe miss you when you’re gone.We miss the sparkling light you shineinto the shadowy corners of our days.You’re not up to being your amazing self,and although we know this is temporary,we selfishly want you back, right now.We need your bright spirit, your love of lifeto lift us up, as you always do, effortlessly,just by being you.Please take care of yourself and recover soon.We miss

I Care

I CareI’m sending this to let you knowI think of you each day,And pray for your recovery,Hoping soon you’ll be okay.You’re going through a lot right now,You’re treatments can be trying,Remember while you do themIt’s your problem you’re defying.Hold on to your positive attitude,And when things get hard to bear,Know that I am here for you,Remember that I care.And when you’re well and flourishing,

Thursday 17 June 2010

Bad Bug

Bad BugHas a bad bug gotten hold of you,Making you feel queasy?You’re energy’s low, you’re indisposed,Being sick’s not easy!Just take this opportunityTo recuperate and rest,And then when you return to usYou’ll be your very best!

Get Well

Get WellGet well, get well, whatever you have,We miss your great charm and fine wit.There’s plenty of time to be ill later on,So let's see you back, well and fit!

Get Mended!

Get Mended!Illness means something’s not working quite right,So do what it takes to get mended.When you are sick, it gives me quite a fright,So please, let your illness be ended!I care about you and miss you!

When You're Not Here

When You're Not HereWhen you are ill,our sun goes under a cloud.Your presence in our livesis such a bright joythat everything seems in shadowwhen you're not here.When you aren't feeling well,we feel the lackof your glowing energyand contagious vitality.When you are sickwe feel incomplete,like a jigsaw puzzlewith a missing piece,Please rest,take good care of yourself,and feel better.We miss youand

Magic Wand

Magic WandI wish I had a magic wandTo make it go away,I'd wave my scepter over youUntil you were okay.I'd think good thoughts, I'd send you love,I'd transmit healing vibes,My wand and I would surely beatWhatever the doc prescribes.But there is no magic scepter, soI cannot cast a spell,Just know you're often in my thoughts,And I hope you'll soon be well!

If Not For You

If Not For YouIf not for you, I wouldn’t knowWhat true love really meant.I’d never feel this inner peace,I couldn’t be content.If not for you, I’d never haveThe pleasures of romance.I’d miss the bliss, the craziness,Of love’s sweet, silly dance.I have to feel your tender touch,I have to hear your voice,No other one could take your place,You’re it; I have no choice.If not for you, I’d be adrift,I

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Two Beers

Two BeersLarry came into my barEvery day to drink two beers."My brother’s dying; one’s for him,"He said, his eyes full of tears.Each day it was the same,Two beers and then he’d go,One for his brother, one for him,He’s sad but sweet, this schmo.One day he orders just one.His brother’s dead, I’m thinking.I asked him, but he replied,"No, it’s me; I’ve given up drinking."

Thank God For Plumbers

Thank God For PlumbersTwo old friends met on the street,Hadn't talked in many a year,"How's your family,?" asked this dear old friend,"I'd really like to hear.""George has a Master's in literature,"The other said, with pride,"And Mary's a grad in modern art,Her career she has yet to decide.""And How's Willy," the first friend kindly asked,While the other displayed defeat,"Oh, Willy's a plumber,"

Yes! No!

Yes! No!My turn signal wasn’t working,So I asked for help from a friend."Stand behind the car," I said."Let’s get this problem to end.""When I turn the signal on,If it’s working, let me know."I hit the blinker and then I heard:"Yes! No! Yes! No! Yes! No!"

Cop Contest

Cop ContestA dispute among three kinds of cops,CIA, FBI, LAPD:Who can catch bad guys the quickest?We'll set up a contest and see.A rabbit was set loose in the trees,"We'll get him first," they all said.They gathered up all of their gear,And into the forest they sped.The CIA with informants,Questions animals and plants on its list,And after four months investigation,Concludes rabbits do not

Tuesday 15 June 2010

The Experiment

The ExperimentA curious lad from DoverCrossed poison ivy with a four-leaf clover.This young man was struckWith a rash of good luck,Before his experiment was over.

Too Careful

Too CarefulI don't believe in taking excess risks,But a person can be excessively careful, too.A friend of mine checks every detail twice,He's the most meticulous man I ever knew.We went to the copy store the other day,I thought we'd be a few minutes, and then be done.But he counted all his copies several times,And then proceeded to proofread every one!

Seven Foot Lunch

Seven Foot LunchThree genteel ladies went lunchingAt a sophisticated hotel.Their elevator door opened,They gasped, and their faces fell.A seven-foot man was inside,With an intimidating expression.They got in anyway;They were the very souls of discretion."Sit!" the man yelled, and they sat,In their luncheon finery,They went up; then the door slid aside;The man left, abashedly.His dog had been

Wolves and Liars

Wolves and LiarsMy five year-old-son, he lies a lot,And I wanted it to end,So I told him about the boy who cried "wolf!"Hoping he would comprehend."He kept crying 'wolf!' when there was no wolf,"I told my son, whom I adore."When the wolf came to eat him, he called for help,But no one listened anymore."My son's eyes grew wide; It looked like he got it;My heart was all aglow.But he dashed my hopes

How to Paint A Wall

How to Paint A WallWhile I went off to work one day,She decided to paint the wall.And when I came back home that night,She was curled into a ball.Her eyes were closed, she was breathing hard,Her hair was very wet.From her head to the tips of her pretty toes,She was covered all in sweat.She was wrapped in a jacket made of down,With a fur coat on top of that.The wall was glowing with new, fresh

Your Adventure

Your AdventureNow that you've graduated,Your adventure has begun.Your schooling has prepared youFor the race life has you run.I/We praise you for your efforts,And send good wishes, too,For a future filled withhappiness,And your fondest dreams come true.

Monday 14 June 2010

Dream Friend

Dream FriendI always dreamed someone swell would turn up,Who’d consider my feelings routinely,Who would share lots of stuff without being gruff,And if they disagreed would not do it meanly.Then you came along and my wishes came true,You’re a friend who I trust and I treasure.You always give help and I know that you care,You’re my friend and it gives me great pleasure.

My Giving Friend

My Giving FriendWe share so much of our livesOur joy and also our pain.Without you as my friend,I just might go insane!You know what I’m talking about,You’ve been through big things, too.Yet you cheer me when I’m happy,You comfort me when I’m blue.Your giving does not go unnoticed,I’d be lost without you, friend.What we have togetherNo one else can comprehend.

The Power of Friends

The Power of FriendsEveryone knows of the power of friends,The terrific result, when everything blends.When people have friends, they don’t stand alone,Friends always help, when you face the unknown.Friends give you courage to face problems untold,So the love of a friend can help make you bold.They can help you to live a much richer life,So your every day living will be less filled with

We Are Friends

We Are FriendsWhether the day is good or bad,Whether I'm feeling happy or sad,If I have a need, you’ll comprehend;You’ll be there to share and be a friend.Other people may fill my day,But never in such an important way,We support each other ‘round all life’s bends,It feels so good that we are friends.

Pure Delight

Pure DelightIt's such a pleasure and a joyTo have a friend like you.You always care, you're always there,You say the right things, too!You make me smile when I am lowYou're just a pure delight.We talk a lot about everything,You make my life so bright!I hope that I am giving youSome joy and happiness,Because you mean so much to me,More than I can express!

Sunday 13 June 2010

Hang In There

Hang In ThereHello, my friend; You’re on my mind,Because you're somehow ailing,But your response to any challengeHas always been unfailing.So I’m confident you’ll win again,Hang in there, and you’ll see,You’ll be back on top in no time,Tackling life courageously.

Golf Chat

Golf ChatThree old men on the golf course,(Each had trouble hearing well)Were playing a round on a breezy day,When one blew over and fell."Windy, isn't it?" said one of them,While helping the other to rise."No, it's Thursday," said the second man.And they walked off to exercise.The third man had listened intently,Now he chimed in, with good cheer,As he followed the others, he called out,"So am I.

Teenage Princess

Teenage PrincessI know how it is to need moneyAs much as I can get,My teenager goes to the mall,And I go into debt.Most kids' first words are "Ma-ma,"She said "Vi-sa" with a smile,She has a black belt in shopping,And a package from every aisle!

Your Special Friendship

Your Special FriendshipWhenever my life feels empty,Those times when I feel a lack,I thank God for your special friendship,Because I know you've got my back.When I wonder about life's true meaning,And whether it all makes sense,With a word or a smile from you, friend,I forget my silly laments.I guess what I'm trying to say, friend,Is with all your support and your giving,You brighten each minute

Friendship Joy

Friendship JoyYou are a shelterFrom life’s frequent storm,Like a comfortable blanket,You keep me snug, safe and warm.You’re a light in the windowWhen everything’s dark,You’re a trip to the circus,A romp in the park.Like a bright, sunny summer,You are joy without end,And I’m so very privilegedTo call you my friend.

My Treasured Friend

My Treasured FriendTreasured friend, I’m glad I found you,Our friendship is a gift we share.I can be myself around you,Safe in your love and care.I miss you when you’re out of sight,Our friendship bond was meant to be.I think of you with great delight;You’re almost part of me.Through fun and fears, play and tears,We help each other heal and grow.I prize our time the days, the years,More than you

Because you are my friend

Because you are my friendBecause you are my friend,my life is enriched in a myriad of ways.Like a cool breeze on a sweltering day,like a ray of sunshine parting glowering clouds,you lift me up.In good times, we soar,like weightless balloonsover neon rainbows.In bad times, you are soothing balmfor my pummeled soul.I learn so much from you,you help me see old things in new ways.I wonder if you are

A Friend I Can Count On

A Friend I Can Count OnWhen troubles come a callin,As those gremlins often do,And my spirit keeps on fallin,Till I feel low down and blue…When I look around for comfort,Someone quickly jumps to mind,One who always will support me,And whose words are always kind.Who will make my mood feel lighter,Who’ll help beat my troubles back,He/She makes the sun shine brighterAnd gets my spirit back on

Truly A Friend

Truly A FriendSomeone to lean on when problems appear,Someone on whom you’d depend,Someone who’ll lift you when you’re down in the dumps,That someone is truly a friend.That’s how I feel about you my dear friend,You’re so special just as you are.Just to know that you’re there provides comfort to spare,A friendship like yours sets the bar.

Saturday 12 June 2010

Father’s Day Prayer

Father’s Day PrayerLord, please bless our fathers,these men who mean so much to us,who are greatly responsiblefor who we are and who we are becoming.Bless them for having the courageto do what’s necessary to keep us out of trouble,for making us do the right thing,for helping us build our character,even when it makes us angry,and bless them for pushing us to do our best,even when they just want to

My Father Is A Christian

My Father Is A ChristianMy father is a Christian,He leads our household well,With instruction from the Bible,Right behavior he’ll compel.Yet he steers us with compassion,His gentle love is true,He conforms to our Lord Jesus,So we know just what to do.He teaches us with purpose,Guides us in all Godly ways,So we will take the right path,And serve our Lord with praise.I’m glad you’re a Christian,

We Can’t Believe You’re Gone

We Can’t Believe You’re GoneDad, our sadness knows no end,We can’t believe you’re gone,We’re grieving for you every day,It’s hard to carry on.You were always there to support and care,When we needed a true friend,How we’ll ever do without our dad,We cannot comprehend.You were our teacher and our guide,Our dad, so good and strong,Your example will sustain us now,And last our whole lives long.We’re

A Poem for My Father In Law

A Poem for My Father In LawWhen I married I got a new dad,A special father in law,That made me very happy,And a little bit in awe.You're a man who cares,With an understanding heart.You're also filled with wisdom;No wonder my spouse is smart!Thanks for being so cordial,Thanks for welcoming me,It feels really good to be partOf your special family.

Thank You, Friend

Thank You, FriendThank you, friend, for all the thingsThat mean so much to meFor concern and understandingYou give abundantly.Thanks for listening with your heart,For cheering me when I'm blue,For bringing out the best in me,And just for being you.Thanks for in-depth conversationThat stimulates my brain,For silly times we laugh out loud,For things I can't explain.For looking past my flaws and

Friday 11 June 2010

A Poem for My Stepfather

A Poem for My StepfatherAlthough you are my stepdad,You're really so much more,We get along so well,We have really great rapport.You always listen to me,I know you really care,When I really need youI know that you'll be there.I'm learning really good things,Just by watching you,Thanks for being my stepdadAnd for being a good friend, too.

Grandpa, You're the One

Grandpa, You're the OneGrandpa you're the very best,You're a lot of fun.When I need someone to care,Grandpa you're the one.You're always in a real good mood.I'm happy when you're with me,I love you, and I always will,You're the best grandpa that could be!Happy Father's Day, Grandpa!

First Father's Day Poem

First Father's Day PoemSo this is your first Father's Day,Your first one as a dad,Get ready for surprises now,The wildest you've ever had.Just when you think you've got it down,There's a new and different stage,This little person changes a lotWith each fascinating age.Being a dad takes all you've got,Your heart and mind you'll invest,It's the hardest job you'll ever have,And the one you'll love

My Special Joy

My Special JoyA grandfather is a special blessingenriching the life of a grandchildwith unique and incomparable joys.Grandpa, you are my special joy.I get a warm, safe, contented feelingwhen I think of you.With you, I feel no pressure to bewhat someone else wants me to be;you love me enough to let me be me.You're never in a hurry,you always take time to listen and to help.You are always there for

I'd Pick You

I'd Pick YouDad, if all the fathersHad lined up one by one,And God told me to pick,I'd still choose to be your son.I'm proud to have a fatherWho listens and understands,Who teaches me and sets fair rulesWithout unfair demands.Dad you are my hero,My role model in all you do.So Dad, if I could pick again,You know I'd still pick you!

The Best Man I Ever Knew

The Best Man I Ever KnewWhen we married, I saw you as perfect,The ideal husband and more,I thought I knew all about you,All the things to love and adore.But when you became a father,I saw new qualities to treasure.You enrich all our lives in fresh ways,As a dad, you bring so much pleasure.Our child/children is/are forever blessedTo have a father like you,And I love you more than ever,You’re the

Thursday 10 June 2010

It’s My Father

It’s My FatherDo you know who I want to be like?It’s not Roosevelt, Reagan or Ike.It’s my father.Who taught me to drive and skate?Who taught me to care and not hate?It’s my father.The man I’ll respect till I die,Who taught me always to try,It’s my father.He was never too busy for me,He’s my ideal man, totally.My father!Thanks for being a wonderful father, Dad!

First-Class Father

First-Class FatherDad, I'm blessed to be your sonI knew it from the start.You're a first-class father,You're loving, kind, and smart.You show me how to be a manYou help me, guide me, along the way.You're strong, and yet you're gentle, too.I hope I'm just like you, someday!

Everything Dad

Everything DadA little girl needs her daddyTo love her with manly charm,To soothe her when she’s hurt,And keep her safe from harm.A girl needs her dadTo show her a man who’s good,To help her make right choices,As only a father could.A woman needs her fatherJust to be aware,He’ll always be there for herTo sustain her and to care.You’ve been all these things, Dad.I hope that you can seeHow much I

Always There For Your Daughter

Always There For Your DaughterEvery day the whole year through,I feel grateful you are my father.Some fathers don't have time for their kids,But for you I'm never a bother.You always make the effort to listen and share;You're there whenever you're needed.Because I know how much you care,My problems are all defeated.Dad, you are truly admired and adored,And I hope you always know,Your daughter's

Essential Father

Essential FatherMy dad is my role model forMost everything I do.I look to him to see what's rightHe always gets me through.(Repeat last two lines)I hope my father knows how muchI love him and I care.He is my hero and my rock,My dad is always there.(Repeat last two lines)My father is essential toMy life and happiness.My feelings are so strong for him,My heart cannot express.(Repeat last two lines)

Father Daughter Dance Song

Father Daughter Dance SongMy daddy was my heroFor my very youngest years;,Daddy kept me safe and happy,And he chased away my fears.I watched in awe and wonderAt each manly thing he did,Oh, I looked up to my daddy,When I was a little kid.My dad was still my hero,As the years passed, one by one.He taught important lessons,And he took some time for fun.He was my firm foundation,On my dad I did

Wednesday 9 June 2010

If Everyone Had a Father Like You

If Everyone Had a Father Like YouIf everyone had a fatherWho was more like you,There'd be more laughing, joy and singing,Fewer people would be blue.There'd be much more understanding,Crime and hate could not prevail.We'd all be so contented,We wouldn't need a jail.If everyone had a fatherWho was more like you,The whole world would be blessed,Just as I am blessed with you.

A Real Father

A Real FatherIt’s not so common anymoreto have a dad who’s really there,who is the provider for his family,who comes home every night,whose predictabilitycreates a sense of stability and securityin his household.Your routine may not seem valuable to you,but it’s worth a lot to me.I’m thankful that I can depend on youto always be you a real father,responsible, trustworthy,and a great role model.I’

My Daddy Is The Greatest

My Daddy Is The GreatestMy daddy is the greatest,The best dad there ever was.He always brings me lots of joy,He’s my very own Santa Claus.My daddy can do anything;He’s smart as smart can be.I love to walk and hold his handTo show he belongs to me.I love my daddy!

Perfect Dad Blend

Perfect Dad BlendI am glad you’re my father,You’re really the best,As a dad, you’re a fine one,I’m so very blessed.You’re smart, and you’re strong,Just a perfect dad blend,You’re my father, my counselorAnd a really good friend.

My Father, My Guiding Light

My Father, My Guiding LightDad, you’re like the sun to me,a sure thing, always there,beaming light and warmth on my life.Whatever is good in me today,I owe to your wisdom, your patience,your strength, your love.You taught me by example,as a role model,how to be my own person,how to believe in myself,instructing me without controlling me.Even when we disagreed,you held us together,so our bond was

Glad You’re My Dad

Glad You’re My DadI’m so glad that you’re my dad,You’re one in a million, Pop!When it comes to first-class fathers,You’re the absolute cream of the crop.You love me no matter what,Whether I’m a goodie or baddie;I really love you, Pa,You’re a fine and fantabulous daddy!

My Everything Friend

My Everything FriendYou magnify my happinessWhen I am feeling glad,You help to heal my injured heartWhenever I am sad.You’re such a pleasure in my life,I hope that you can seeHow meaningful your friendship is,You’re a total joy to me.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Hero Dad

Hero DadYou are my hero, DadYou're my secure foundation.When I think of you, I'm filled with loveAnd fond appreciation.You make me feel protected,I'm sheltered by your care.You're always my true friend; and Dad,When I need you, you're always there.You have a place of honorDeep within my heart.You've been my superhero, Dad,Right from the very start.

Life Lessons

Life LessonsYou may have thought I didn't see,Or that I hadn't heard,Life lessons that you taught to me,But I got every word.Perhaps you thought I missed it all,And that we'd grow apart,But Dad, I picked up everything,It's written on my heart.Without you, Dad, I wouldn't beThe (woman)(man) I am today;You built a strong foundationNo one can take away.I've grown up with your values,And I'm very

The Perfect Father

The Perfect FatherI love you because you're my father,But you're really so much more,You're a guide and a companion,You and I have great rapport.You pay attention to me,You listen to what I say.You pass on words of wisdom,Helping me along the way.Whenever I'm in trouble,You always have a plan.You are the perfect father,And I'm your biggest fan!

Terrific Father

Terrific FatherYou're a dad, and you're doing great,At fatherly duties you star,You deserve to celebrateThe terrific father you are.You're doing a wonderful job,And so we'd like to conveyOur respect and admiration,Happy Father's Day!

Star Dad

Star DadI love you, Dad, and want you to know,I feel your love wherever I go.Whenever I've problems, you're there to assist,The ways you have helped me would make quite a list.Your wisdom and knowledge have shown me the way,And I'm thankful for you as I live day by day.I don't tell you enough how important you are,In my universe you're a bright shining star.

Monday 7 June 2010

A Soldier Is A Gift

A Soldier Is A GiftAs we celebrate Christmas, and we open our gifts,we realize what priceless gifts a soldier gives to our countrythe gifts of patriotism, service, and deep dedication to our nation.As we feast on a variety of fine Christmas delicacies,we acknowledge that a soldier personifies a variety of fine qualities:courage, good character, honor, fortitude amidst hardship,persistence in

Those Who Are Dear

Those Who Are DearThe turkey's bought and will soon be stuffed,The guest room's ready, the pillows fluffed.The closet's full of holiday gifts,The snow is here, piled up in drifts.Our plans are made for the coming New Year,Now it's time to contemplate those who are dear.We're thinking of you and how special you are,Next to your name, we've put a star.“Why?” you ask; well here's a clue:We feel so

Memories To Treasure

Memories To TreasureMay the days until Christmas be full of sweet pleasure,And your holidays create joyful memories to treasure.Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

My Christmas Wish For You

My Christmas Wish For YouChristmas trees, presents and holly wreaths,The feeling of love like a warm embrace,Family and friends surrounding you,With Christmas joy in each precious face.That’s my wish for you for Christmas!

This Christmas

This ChristmasWe hope this Christmas enriches your life,May each day be happy and bright.Overflowing with pleasure and love,May your Christmas be filled with delight.

Holiday Feasting

Holiday FeastingHoliday time is for feasting,We look forward to each treat.The tables are full of our favorite foods,We’ve got lots of good things to eat.We scarf marshmallowed sweet potatoes,There’s cider and eggnog to slurp.There’s so much going down at once,Who can help an occasional burp?Here’s the turkey, dressing and gravy,Let’s all get down to chewing it,And if we pass a little gas,Who’ll

Toy Escape

Toy EscapeLate Christmas Eve, when all was still,And the room was dark as night,The Christmas tree lit magically,It was a fantastic sight!Then from around the tree trunk came,A strange and funny sound,As gifts began to unwrap themselves,And toys jumped out all around.The music box began to play,And in a crazy trance,The candy canes jumped off the treeTo do a silly dance.The big stuffed bear

Christmas New Year Wish

Christmas New Year WishI made a Christmas wish for you,For a holiday full of pleasure,Friends and family all around,And memories to treasure.I wish for you a Christmas filledWith joyous holiday cheer,I wish you a Merry Christmas,And a very Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and Happy New YearWe're wishing you a ChristmasFull of laughter, love and light,With delicious holiday foodsTo excite your appetite.We're hoping you receiveDelightful gifts to make you smile,With family and friendsTo love you all the while.We wish you a Merry Christmas,May your Christmas dreams come true,And when Christmas is over,Happy New Year, too!

Star Dad

Star DadI love you, Dad, and want you to know,I feel your love wherever I go.Whenever I've problems, you're there to assist,The ways you have helped me would make quite a list.Your wisdom and knowledge have shown me the way,And I'm thankful for you as I live day by day.I don't tell you enough how important you are,In my universe you're a bright shining star.

Sunday 6 June 2010

I’m Happy You’re My Dad

I’m Happy You’re My DadI feel safe when you are with me,You show me fun things to do,You make my life much better,The best father I know is you.I’m happy you’re my DadAnd so I want to sayI love you, Dad, and wish youA Happy Father’s Day!

Be My Christmas Gift

Be My Christmas GiftIf you sat beneath the Christmas tree,You’d sure add to the décor,But even if you were gift wrapped, dear,I couldn't love you more.You have to know that if I had you,I’d have the gift I’d most adore,Better than any expensive giftI could purchase in a store.If you hug me tight, you wonderful thing,And be my Christmas gift,You’ll brighten my days forevermoreAnd give my heart a

For My Teacher At Christmas

For My Teacher At ChristmasChristmas vacation is great,My time is mine to spend,I can be with friends or watch TV,I wish it would never end.I don't miss school or homework,I really like to be free,But I'll miss you when I'm gone from school,You're just what a teacher should be.So have a perfect Christmas,Be sure to have lots of fun,I look forward to seeing you again,When Christmas vacation is

Christmas Love

Christmas LoveAt Christmastime I think of all the giftsThat bring me great delight and sweet surprise,But nothing in this world can bring such joyAs you do, when you look into my eyes.And when I contemplate what Christmas means,The caring and the giving--I confess,You've given me the things I want the most,Your love, your touch, your kiss, your warm caress.The Christmas tree reminds me, with its

The Christmas Gift of Knowing You

The Christmas Gift of Knowing YouThe Christmas season fills our hearts with joy,Bright, happy days bring special kinds of pleasure.We're wrapped in the excitement of it all,The sights, the sounds, the smells, the tastes we treasure.Yet when we have some quiet time to thinkAbout our finest blessings all year through,We focus on our family and our friends,And appreciate the gift of knowing you!

Family Joys

Family JoysChristmas is filled with special joys,And the very best of allIs contemplating those dear to us,And the memories we recall.We often think at Christmas timeOf people, affectionately,And we realize how blessed we areTo have you in our family.(or, "To be in your family," or, "To be part of your family.")

Year-Round Joy

Year-Round JoyChristmas is full of shiny thingsThat sparkle, gleam and glow,These holiday pleasures dazzle us,And yet, deep down, we know...That Christmas has its special gifts,But our year-round joy dependsOn the cherished people in our lives,Our family and our friends.

A Sunny Christmas

A Sunny ChristmasEvery year at Christmas timeThere's not a sign of snow.Instead we spend our yuletide daysIn the sun's warm cheery glow.We have the best of Christmas things,The lights, the gifts, the bells,(And "snowbirds" who arrive en masseTo fill our beach hotels.)The glorious weather fits right inWith our happy Christmas mood,And we can also walk and runWithout having to be snowshoed.So don't

Saturday 5 June 2010

Christmas Magic

Christmas MagicAre we too grownup to feel a thrillAs we light the Christmas tree?Are we immune to cookies,Christmas cards and Christmas glee?Are we too adult to "Ooh" and "Aah"At the Christmas candle's glow?Are we blasé about our gifts,Do we shun the mistletoe?Are we too mature for carols,For merry or for jolly?Do the decorations leave us cold,The ornaments and holly?Fat chance! We'll never grow

Christmas Tree Poem

Christmas Tree PoemChristmas tree, sparkling bright,Filled with baubles, warmth and light,Precious symbol of our affectionFor Christmas time and its perfection,Show each night your radiant gloryFor "oohs" and "aahs" obligatory.Christmas tree, don't let us down,Show something special at your crown,An angel, star, or splendid pieceTo make our holiday joy increase,An icon, pure, ideal, complete,For

Christmas Fun

Christmas FunThe tempting gifts are tantalizing,About opening them, we are fantasizing.The holiday foods are appetizing,Our excitement and joy are growing and rising,Our hearts and minds are harmonizing,Jolly Christmas fun we're maximizing!

Recipe for Christmas All Year Long

Recipe for Christmas All Year LongTake a heap of child-like wonderThat opens up our eyesTo the unexpected gifts in lifeEach day a sweet surprise.Mix in fond appreciationFor the people whom we know,Like festive Christmas candles,Each one has a special glow.Add some giggles and some laughter,A dash of Christmas food,(Amazing how a piece of pieImproves our attitude!)Stir it all with human kindness,

Christmas Joys

Christmas JoysEvergreen boughs that fill our homesWith fragrant Christmas scents,Hearts filled with the loving glowThat Christmas represents;Christmas cookies, turkeys stuffed,Festive holly berry,Little faces bright with joy,Loved ones being merry.Parties, songs, beribboned gifts,Silver bells that tinkle,Christmas trees and ornaments,Colorful lights that twinkle.Relatives waiting with open armsTo

What Do We Love About Christmas?

What Do We Love About Christmas?What do we love about Christmas,Does our delight reside in things?Or are the feelings in our heartsThe real gift that Christmas brings.It's seeing those we love,And sending Christmas cards, too,Appreciating people who bring us joySpecial people just like you.

Friday 4 June 2010

The Real Reason

The Real ReasonExcitement and joy are filling the air,The lights add special decor.We're shopping for Christmas gifts everywhere,But are gifts what Christmas is for?The wreaths and the trees and the partiesAren't what we need to convey,It's the birth of our Savior, Jesus,The real reason for this holiday.

The Nicest Present

The Nicest PresentUnder the tree the gifts enthrall,But the nicest present of them allIs filling our thoughts with those who care,Wanting our Christmas joy to share.To you, whom we're often thinking of,We send our holiday joy and love.

Thank You, Sunday School Teacher

Thank You, Sunday School TeacherThank you Sunday school teacherFor opening my eyesTo the Bible and to Jesus,Life’s most precious prize.Thank you special teacherFor opening my mindTo God and the Holy Spirit,And for answers you help me find.Thank you Sunday school teacherFor opening my heartTo eternal life through salvation,The precious lessons you impart.Thank you, cherished teacher,For giving me

More Than Ever

More Than EverIn today’s chaotic world,With everything around us crumbling,Morality held in contempt,Our leaders false, corrupt, or bumbling,More than ever, we need ChristTo lead us through this darkening place,His absolute truth will light our way,He’ll lift us with His love and grace.The Bible is our cornerstone,In God’s word, we take our stands,Role models we will strive to be,Examples of our

Come To Jesus

Come To JesusIsn’t there more to life?Is this all there is?Imprisoned by our need for control,trapped by insatiable desiresfor worldly pleasures,we are oppressed by our desperate hungerfor approval and lovefrom everyoneexcept the One who loves us most.Straining, fighting to releasea familiar yet unknown burden,we struggle to flee the tension, the stressfrom the inner knowingthat our lives are

God in the Seasons

God in the SeasonsLord,In Spring we are remindedof the magnificence of Your creation,as the earth is covered in verdant green,with splendid splashes of color,and we witness birth everywhere,of animals bearing their young,of buds turning into leaves and flowersand our own moods being rebornwith renewed energy and life.Lord,in Summer, we rememberthe warmth of Your love for usand the light of Your

Nothing We Can’t Handle

Nothing We Can’t HandleNo matter what distressing times I face,When rain and storms replace the sunny weather,When things I counted on fail to sustain me,There’s nothing we can’t handle, Lord, together.If those I thought were friends act more like foes,If I start to lose the things I hold most dear,I know that I can tell it all to You;You want to listen to me and to hear.When my earthly world

More Like Jesus

More Like JesusLet us be more like JesusIn everything we do,Let’s live a life of service,A life that’s fresh and new.Let’s relinquish worldly things,And not be slaves to fashion,Let’s fill our hearts with love,Forgiveness and compassion.Yes, let’s be more like Jesus,Being always in God’s will,For if Jesus’ light shines through us,Our earthly purpose we’ll fulfill.

The Lord Will Lead You

The Lord Will Lead YouNow that you're celebratingYour graduation day,Your whole life is ahead of you,And the Lord will lead the way.Just trust in Him to guide youIn His divine and perfect will.If you'll pray and read His Holy Word,His plan you will fulfill.Whatever happens in your life,On the Lord you can depend.There's nothing you can't handleWith Jesus as your best friend.Congratulations, and

I’m Trying, But…

I’m Trying, But…I’m trying, but…what I want to do,I don’t do enough of,and what I don’t want to do,I do too much of.I know the rules for a Christian life,according to the Bible,and I’m trying; I really am, but…heaven and eternity seem so far away,and the rampantly materialistic worldpresses in so closefrom every direction, every side,that I get distracted.Focus, focus, focus!I need to focus,

A Perfect Christian

A Perfect ChristianYou could count on a perfect ChristianTo always be gentle and humble,To be immune to sin,And never, ever stumble.He’d study and rememberAll of God’s commands;He’d be trustworthy, moral and honest;You’d know just where he stands.With others, she’d be in harmony,She’d never lose her cool,Forgiving and forgetting,Following the Golden Rule.He’d surrender his life to God,Full of joy

Like You

Like YouLord help me to be in Your holy will,Tell me what to do today,Lead me in Your righteousness,Make me more like You, I pray.Guard me against this corrupting world,Its perverted priorities, temptations, too.Direct my mind toward Your commands,So I can focus my life on You.Fill my heart with Your light and love,So I can assist those I see in need,With You as my role model, let me beLike You

We Need You, Lord

We Need You, LordWe need you, Lord.Like lost wanderers in a burning, empty desertthirst for cool, clean water,we long for you to quench us.In a world gone progressively mad,with chaos all around us,we seek refuge in the order and purpose of your law.With evil sneaking, leaking everywhere,spreading heavy darkness,creating feelings of emptiness,we hunger for your goodness and light.Turn us around,

Help Me Forgive

Help Me ForgiveWhen rage and fury overwhelm my heart,It’s time to look to God’s own Holy Word.I search the Bible for His good advice,My will to His commands must be deferred.In Romans God reveals His love for me,In all things God works only for my good,He gives me blessings I can’t understand,I’d be peaceful if I’d do the things I should.Jesus forgave so much; why then can’t I?I want to mold my

Save Me

Save MeSave me from myself, Lord,Save me from my needTo always run my life, Lord,To control my every deed.Save me from my pride, Lord,My focus on just me,Help me learn to serve, Lord;Show me how to be.Save me from the world, Lord,When tempting things entice,Remind me of eternityWith You, in paradise.I give my life to you, LordMy every need you fill,I’m resting in my faith, Lord,You saved me, and

To Do List From God

To Do List From GodI ran my life in search of worldly things,My time and will were firmly in control.I thought I had no need for what God brings;I gave no heed to murmurs from my soul.“You’re planning, doing all the time,” it said,“But something else is missing deep inside.Your mind is whirling, but your heart is dead,So turn to God and let go of your pride.”I did, and God said, “Here’s My plan

Just Like Me

Just Like MeDear Lord, forgive our yielding to temptation,Forgive our pride, our love of worldly things.Have mercy on our love of sensual pleasure,Compassion on the sins that self love brings.It must be hard to understand us sometimes,So very different is your heart and mind.But wait, I just remembered that you do knowWhat it’s like to be a part of humankind.You suffered just like we do, and you

You’re Always There for Me

You’re Always There for MeWhen the world comes crashing inAnd chaos rules my mind,I turn my heart to you, Lord,And pure, sweet peace I find.You lift me out of troubleYou comfort me in pain,You nourish, heal and cleanse me,Like cool, refreshing rain.In times of joy and bliss,When things are going right,You lift me even higher,And fill me with delight.You listen to my prayers,You hear my every plea

Baby's First Birthday

Baby's First BirthdayIt's your very first birthday, baby,One candle on your cake;Proud parents stare in wonderAt each new move you make.We join in celebration,As this special date arrives,For baby has brought pleasureInto all our lives.We look forward now to seeingHow you progress and grow,From the cute and tiny infantYou were one year ago.So dig into your icing;Enjoy your presents, too.The

The Big Five-Oh

The Big Five-OhSo you are finally fifty,Happy birthday on the big Five-Oh.I guess you could fill a great big bookWith everything you know.A whole half century of livingIs nothing to sneeze about,So if you're a little patched and worn,Don't you dare frown or pout.Ignore things that make you feel old,It's really great to be fifty.You're smart, attractive and good company,And I still think you're

Special Granddaughter

Special GranddaughterThere's someone we love,Our special granddaughter,She's sweet and she's nice,Just like Dad and Mom taught her.She's got a really cute smileAnd pretty blond curls,She's a wonderful person,The best of all girls.We're so glad she's ours,We rejoice every day,She's our angel granddaughter,And we just want to say...Happy Birthday (Name)!

Exceptional Sister

Exceptional SisterShe's one in a million,Our wonderful sister,She's smart and she's strong,We just can't resist her.Sis, we're so gladYou're in our family,We really do love you,As you plainly can see.So have a great birthday,Know we're thinking of you,Giving love and supportIn all that you do!

For (Name), on Her Birthday

For (Name), on Her BirthdayIt's your birthday, but we got the gift...a gentle, sweet, beautiful daughterwho is always a pleasure to be with.You glow with sensitivity and compassiongenerated from the depthsof your warm heart and and kind soul.A loving mom, a peacemaker,a woman full of the joy of life,that's you.Anyone who spends time with youis privileged to knowsuch an extraordinary person.You

Birthday Poem For Brother

Birthday Poem For BrotherI'm fortunate, and I'm gladI got you for my brother,Even if I had the chance,I wouldn't pick another.I'm happy you're in my life,You're my winner, come what may.May your birthday wishes come trueOn your very special day.

Best Birthday

Best BirthdayIt’s your birthday...and I’m thinking how glad I amthat you were born.You have given me so muchsupported me, encouraged me,cared for me; I didn't even need to ask.I celebrate your wonderful self!I am in awe of your boundless generosity,your infinite kindness that gentle inner glowthat you so freely use to warm my life.Your birthday is as much a celebration for meas it is for you,

Birthday Wishes For My Friend

Birthday Wishes For My FriendOn your birthday,I wish for you the fulfillmentof all your fondest dreams.I hope that for every candleon your cakeyou get a wonderful surprise.I wish for you thatwhatever you want most in life,it comes to you,just the way you imagined it,or better.I hope you get as much pleasurefrom our friendship as I do.I wish we were sisters,so I could have known youfrom the

Happy Birthday, Old Friend

Happy Birthday, Old FriendCongratulations to you, my old friend,Birthday wishes to you, I send.You look good for your age, I could say,But you look good to me any day.When I look in the mirror, I sigh,'Cause I know the mirror doesn't lie.You're aging like me, so you seeYou're getting to be an old guy.

I Celebrate You

I Celebrate YouOn your birthday, I celebrate you!On your special day,I’m thinking of all the wonderful things you arethat bring so much joy to others, including me!I celebrate your unconquerable spirit,that lets you meet every challengewith confidence, enthusiasm and persistence.I admire your sensitivity.You see needs that cry out to be metthat no one else sees,and you meet them,out of your deep

When Your Birthday Rolls Around

When Your Birthday Rolls AroundBecause you mean so much to me,I celebrate your birth.Sharing time and space with you,Rings my bell for all it’s worth.Whenever your birthday rolls around,I contemplate once more,How happy I am that you were born;The thought makes my heart soar.I wish your birthdays happened more,So I could let you know,How very much you mean to me,And so I could tell you so!

Happy Celebration

Happy CelebrationBirthdays are happy events,Times when dreams come true.So dream a good dream (and let someone know!),It just might work for you!Have a happy celebrationOne you’ll always recall,And be aware on this day of days,You’re the most special person of all!

Birthday Thanks

Birthday ThanksAnother year has come and gone;The sands of time keep trickling away.Your birthday reminds me to let you knowI'm thankful for you each and every day.

Happily Ever After

Happily Ever AfterOn your birthday, special one,I wish that all your dreams come true.May your day be filled with joy,Wonderful gifts and goodies, too.On your day I wish for youFavorite people to embrace,Loving smiles and caring looksThat earthly gifts cannot replace.I wish you fine and simple pleasures.I wish you many years of laughter.I wish you all of life’s best treasures.I wish you happily

Birthday Happiness

Birthday HappinessAs we observe your birthday now,Your cake and gifts don't matter much.These common things aren't really you,Ribbons, paper hats and such.We celebrate a person whoBrings happiness to everyone,Someone who gives more than she gets,And fills our lives with joy and fun.So Happy Birthday, and many more!We hope you make it to a hundred and two,Because we always want to haveThe special

Birthday Reflections

Birthday ReflectionsYour birthday's a time for careful reflectionAbout your life, and its future direction.You see where you've been when you look at the past,Most of it's great; you had quite a blast!You wonder what's coming, what life has in store,Will it be just the same? Will there be a new door?Remember this, as you blow out the last candle,Life holds no challenge that you cannot handle.

Every Year On Your Birthday

Every Year On Your BirthdayEvery year, on your birthday,I think about how glad I amthat you were born,how thankful I amto have you in my life.Every year is another yearfilled with the special joys you bringjust by being yourself.Every year, when you open your birthday gifts,realize what a gift you areto everyone who knows you,especially me.Happy Birthday!

You Are A Gift

You Are A GiftSome people give the giftof peace and tranquilityto every life they touch,They are always who they really are.They are blessedly reliable,dependably good,predictably pleasant,loved and treasuredby all who know them.You are one of those people,You are a giftof peace and tranquilityin my life.Happy Birthday!

Bright Joy

Bright JoyOn your birthday,I’m thinking about how much light and sparkleyou freely dispense wherever you go,how your sunny smile lights up any gathering.Every birthday marks another yearof you radiating positive, happy energy,contagious happinessthat infects all who come in contact with you.May your next birthday find you the sameglowing from within,beaming bright joy on everyone you meet.I feel

Birthday Wish

Birthday WishIt’s your birthday time again,It’s true; there’s no denying,Another year has come and gone,You know that I’m not lying.So for you, the birthday person,Here’s what I want to say:I hope this birthday’s the best one yet,In every delightful way.So happy birthday to you.Have lots of birthday fun!May your birthday wishes all come true,Even if you have a ton.

Happy Birthday, Special Treasure

Happy Birthday, Special TreasureGod gave a gift to the world when you were born—a person who loves, who cares,who sees a person’s need and fills it,who encourages and lifts people up,who spends energy on othersrather than herself,someone who touches each life she enters,and makes a difference in the world,because ripples of kindness flow outwardas each person you have touched, touches others.Your

Happy Birthday Poem

Happy Birthday PoemOnce a year I get the chanceTo wish you birthday cheer.It pleases me no end to say,I wish you another great year.So happy birthday to you (name),From the bottom of my heart.And may your good times multiply,Till they’re flying off the chart!

Birthday Blessings

Birthday BlessingsInstead of counting candles,Or tallying the years,Contemplate your blessings now,As your birthday nears.Consider special peopleWho love you, and who care,And others who’ve enriched your lifeJust by being there.Think about the memoriesPassing years can never mar,Experiences great and smallThat have made you who you are.Another year is a happy gift,So cut your cake, and say,"

Birthday Appreciation

Birthday AppreciationEach year your birthday reminds meThat I really want to sayI’m very glad I know you,I think of you each day.I hope you enjoy your birthday,All the pleasures it has in store,And because I appreciate you,I hope you have many more!

Perfect Birthday

Perfect BirthdayOn your birthday I wish you much pleasure and joy,I hope all of your wishes come true.May each hour and minute be filled with delight,And your birthday be perfect for you!

Another Year

Another YearI’m wishing you another yearOf laughter, joy and fun,Surprises, love and happiness,And when your birthday’s done,I hope you feel deep in your heart,As your birthdays come and go,How very much you mean to me,More than you can know.