Thursday 6 September 2012

My Love is For You Only

The beauty of the stars, shines every soul that needs love. Eventhough talking about love beneath the rainny day, is a wild desire.

Whenever to say love is you, my dear, my heart beats my will to the light,
Wherever the lamps of the park still shine 'till dawn,
To memorize our love that conquer the ocean,
You and me in endless night,
Baby, my love is for you only,
Where my half soul is inside you,
Along the river, along the eternity,
I love you,
Baby, believe me just this time,
I'll make our dreams shimmer like northen star,
Highest than every words of life,
Only you and a love of me, forever.

Because of you that had made me realize how love is wonderful

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Please Come Back Now, Baby

Once upon a time whenever the rains falling within a glimpse of time, where a heart was too hard to be a meaning of life. .
Too much pain, and too much tears,
Just whenever the shadows try to hid at daylight,
I don't know and was not,
Your smile in me, in every dreams,
Baby, please stop it, I can't,
One sacred love with thousand reasons,
A mile and two miles,
Please come back now, baby,
Was it not written at the sky, "you are my destiny".
PS : Love is you

Baby, You are My Only Life

Because of you, that have made the rainbow still shines its precious moment...

This love will stays longer,
This heart is gonna be stronger,
As long as horizon that ends,
And my wishes are flying to heavens,
Baby, you are my only life,
Were and always be,
Like a winter storm, my desire for you inside,
A dream come true,
Never dies and believe,
You are my smile in the shadows,
With you, I found miracles.

PS: always love you

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Baby, Please Don't Leave Me

Between wild roses, where two butterflies seem to reach their perfection in love, and whenever the sound of river is a sign that you'll leave me forever

Baby, as if you can understand,
Flew like a dove, and grew like a lily,
Our love is our boundary,
As long as this heart can stand,
I'll take you to the glory of morning,
Watching our names written in the sky above,
Like a love story and dreaming,
Baby, please don't leave me,
Even the night is gone,
You are still live inside

Everyday I watched you smile, but now is no more. Tears and memories with you always in my heart and mind.

Monday 3 September 2012

A White Lily

That afternoon whenever the trees waving through the wind, behind the green grass, this love never dies !

A white lily,
Among the dust and every kind of love,
A splash of destiny and all dreams come true,
Where butterflies dancing with the song of eternity,
As the rhythm of life flows within the spring season,
This love shines to the very last moment,
A white lily,
Didn't you hear my heart's beat ?,
Whenever I hold you tight,
As if the sun is my every desire in the sky,
Because of you, I want to live a thousand more,
Watching every smile that you have.

Hold my hands, we'll see fire flies dancing under the moon at night, where your name upon it.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Please Come Back To Me

Between that trees, where our joyful moment plays as a part of endless love . You hold my hands, and we laugh together, upon a rainy day...

Darling, as the rhythm goes by with the flow of love,
All brightest moment that I've wrote, only for you,
Will it be a story of lovers between time ?,
Darling, my own heart desires for the smile of you,
Like a flower in the desert, a river that flows,
As the stars changing through the high place,
I can't help myself out of this,
Please come back to me,
We shall create another story of us,
Through the morning and ends in our heart,
Under the moonlight,
Where our hands joined together, a lover's kiss.

It's true !!
I can't live without you, baby,
Even this heart is burned under fire,
Still there is a love for you in eternity...

Saturday 1 September 2012

Your Eyes, Your Smile

When I close my eyes, I believe that you are standing in front of me with smile, my love story beneath time and memories !

Tell this to the trees that waving,
I will come, even more for the sake of love,
As long as this love still exist inside,
I will wait, 'till my life is dreaming,
Just as the lotus bloom, beneath the moonlight,
Where the silent of night lighten me a bit,
My dearest lullaby, you are my life,
My everything in every move,
Your eyes, your smile, fulfills my dreams,
Like the stars in faraway places,
But stays in every room of love,
Our love ....

PS: I love you so much

Friday 31 August 2012

A fair price to pay , سعر عادل لدفع

One kiss and my life is yours,
It seems a fair price to pay,
For the love you play,
Hold me and win me forever,
Love me in deep,
Keep me in your soul,

سعر عادل لدفع

قبلة واحدة وحياتي لك ،
ويبدو أن السعر العادل لدفع ،
أحبك للعب ،
عقد لي والفوز لي إلى الأبد ،
الحب لي في العميق ،
يبقي لي في روحك ،

I Love You

Beneath the heavenly rain, across the bridge, we should, where the river describes my desire for you ....

Baby, all this time, I want to say,
I want to write our love story,
Like a rainbow that full of colors,
A bright sky is not enough to embrace us,
Baby, even just one night,
Where our memories play within the past,
Just as your smile to the bottom of this heart,
Say nothing , 'coz love is a light,
Baby, all I need is you,
You and me , fulfill to the last of love,
Like white sands that bring peace,
I love you,
I want you,
All my everything is you ....

In my short life , في حياتي القصيرة

In my short life,
My heart feelings were,
Muddled with confusion,
May be it is just me,
And my love for you,
Is just an illusion,
But I always remember you

في حياتي القصيرة ،

في حياتي القصيرة ،
وكانت مشاعر قلبي ،
مشوش مع الارتباك ،
قد يكون ذلك هو مجرد لي ،
وحبي لك ،
هو مجرد وهم ،
لكن أتذكر دائما

Thursday 30 August 2012

Darling, Please Don't Leave Me

Darling, if time can go back elsewhere,
Like a smile during winter snow,
I'd be there all the time with you,
Love and kisses written once more,
Please remember this,
A song in the middle of the night,
Beneath the dance of fire flies,
Your heart within the moonlight,
Darling, please don't leave me,
A silence in the ice that frozen,
Where the soul of dreams deserve more,
And here I am waiting for you, once again.

Darling, ...
Please don't leave me

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Light of my life , ضوء حياتي

Your heart endures all emotions,
As the sky endures all the stars,
In your arms all things are right,
But I always remember you,
As the light of my life,

ضوء حياتي

قلبك يتحمله جميع العواطف ،
كما السماء يتحمله كل النجوم ،
في ذراعيك كل الأمور على ما يرام ،
لكن أتذكر دائما ،
وعلى ضوء حياتي ،

Saturday 25 August 2012

You Are That Sunshine At The Morning Time

When I was a kid, I am always dreaming of a bright night , but now, it seems I've found that night,........, yes, that night whenever we've surrendered our self to the beauty of love, it was you until the dawn come and took the sorrow in the eyes.....

Once upon a time, a smallest love knocks the door every morning,
Knocking every heart that sleeps until the sorrow is gone,
One good faith in the meaning of life and smile,
But that is true, it was you who made me keep on dreaming,
Your love never dies even though my luck has turn down on me,
I remember the sweet smell of coffee that fulfills this heart,
You are that sunshine at the morning time,
One beautiful fact about the freshness of love and light,
You are everything.......
No words are available for this passion,
Because of you that bright my life up to the sun,
I am always waiting for you, not for a single blink (of an eye).

I love you, and I love you forever more,
Until the dawn come....

Friday 24 August 2012

I Love You

"Don't you know, this is crazy, When I said that I've love you since the first season, first kiss, and the very first smile of you" ;p 

Baby, one word that reflects in you,
One finger that crossed over the rainbow,
Like a river in the heart of lovers ,
And your beauty, surrounded with kindness,
Where all my doubts were gone,
Baby, hold my hand, because of love,
I love you, didn't you know ?,
A candle in the night, that shines every heart,
Every moment , every second, you are my bright light,
What would I be without you ?

Leaves that shed from its tree, like feathers in the dance of the wind, nothing can change, but you still be my passion, in every breath, and life . . . . . .
My every smile in the storms of life,
I love you,
I love you,
and I love you forever more ......

My dearest,

(Dexiell Veinn)

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Sunshine to my life , أشعة الشمس لحياتي

You brought sunshine to my life,
When all was in darkness,
You turned my sadness into happiness,
When I was down and low,
You taught me to smile,
At your little tantrums,
You were always there,
When things were tough,

English to Arabic translation
أشعة الشمس لحياتي

جلبت لك أشعة الشمس لحياتي ،
عندما كان كل شيء في الظلام ،
تحولت أنت حزني إلى السعادة ،
عندما كنت أسفل ومنخفض ،
علمتني أن تبتسم ،
في نوبات الغضب الخاص بك قليلا ،
كنت دائما هناك ،
عندما كانت الامور صعبة ،

Monday 20 August 2012

Every time I felt your love , في كل مرة شعرت حبك

Your voice was like a sparkling stream,
Which flowed into my heart,
Your hugs were once the medicine,
That's changed a frown to cheer,
A shiver would run through my body,
Every time I felt your love near,

English to Arabic translation
وكان صوتك مثل تيار فوارة ،
تدفقت التي دخلت قلبي ،
والعناق الدواء مرة واحدة ،
الذي تغير أن التجهم للتعبير عن فرحتهم ،
هل بقشعريرة من خلال تشغيل جسدي ،
في كل مرة كنت أشعر بالقرب من حبك

Sunday 19 August 2012

I'LL always remember you , انا لك دائما

Now you with someone else,
And it's driving me insane,
Although it's over for us,
The love we had still remains,
Even though you gone,
I'll always remember you,
And the love we once shared,

English to Arabic translation
انا لك دائما

الآن أنت مع شخص آخر ،
وانه يقود لي مجنون ،
على الرغم من أنه أكثر بالنسبة لنا ،
في الحب ونحن كان لا يزال قائما ،
حتى لو كنت ذهبت ،
أتذكر دائما ،
والحب شاركنا مرة واحدة ،

Saturday 18 August 2012

With faith, hope, and love under wing, مع الأمل والإيمان والحب تحت الجناح،

With faith, hope, and love under wing,
you have flown softly, quietly through me.
The embers of your saintly energy
raining down upon my soul. I weep.

English to Arabic translation
مع الأمل والإيمان والحب تحت الجناح،
وتحلق لك بهدوء، بهدوء من خلالي.
جذوة من طاقتك القديسين
تمطر على روحي. أبكي.

World's glowing light , ضوء متوهجة

Your eyes were once the shine,
Of the world's glowing light,
Were they like twinkling stars,
That once filled the dark nights?

English to Arabic translation
العالم ضوء متوهجة

كانت عيناك مرة واحدة في تألق ,
الضوء في العالم متوهجة ،
كانوا مثل النجوم المتلألئة ،
التي تملأ مرة واحدة ليالي الظلام؟

Friday 17 August 2012

Munni Valentine day , Munni Badnaam Hui, Happy Valentine day 2011 , موني يوم عيد الحب، عيد الحب سعيد

Munni was mortified,
Just for you darling,
Munni's cheeks are red,
Eyes are intoxicating,
Her lips are luscious,
She talks in low tune,
Million of people getting injured
She smiles in beautiful style,
Young & old getting fainted,
When she walks in street,
Earth fears from her,
Her dance is sexy,
So sky is happy,
She look like a bottle of alcohol,
She became famous ,
Just for you darling,
Her feelings are innocent,
By saying this to all,
Happy Valentine day,
Just for you darling,

English to Arabic translation
موني يوم عيد الحب، عيد الحب سعيد
وكان موني بخزي،
في عيد الحب،
فقط لأجلك يا حبيبي
الخدين موني هي الأحمر،
العيون المسكرة،
شفتيها هي فاتنة،
وهي تتحدث في تناغم منخفضة،
مليون من الناس الحصول على المصابين
تبتسم في أسلوب جميل،
أغمي عليه الحصول على الشباب والعمر،
عندما تمشى في الشارع،
مخاوف من الأرض لها،
رقصها هو مثير،
حتى السماء سعيدة،
انها تبدو وكأنها زجاجة من الكحول،
وقالت إنها أصبحت مشهورة،
فقط لأجلك يا حبيبي،
مشاعرها أبرياء،
بقوله هذا للجميع ،
سعيد عيد الحب،
فقط لأجلك يا حبيبي،

Thursday 16 August 2012

Kiss me on my cheek, Sara Apples , يقبلني على خدي،

Love is my city,
where my sweetheart & I reign.
He is my King.
I'm his Queen.
My castle is his kindness.
My money is my beauty.
My food is his kisses.
My drinks are his hugs.
And our friends are sweet words.
Kiss me on my cheek,
And don't let me wake up from this dream.
Sara Apples

الحب هو مدينتي،
حيث حبيبي وأنا عهد.
هو ملكي.
ابن الملكة له.
قلعة بلدي طفه.
أموالي جمالي.
طعامي القبلات له.
المشروبات بلادي هي العناق له.
واصدقائنا هي الكلمات الحلوة.
يقبلني على خدي،
واسمحوا لي أن لا نستيقظ من هذا الحلم.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Desires fell down in Your city - your anger is death for me

your kisses are breakfast for me,
your hugs are lunch for me,
your sweet sound is dinner for me,
your kind love is life for me,
your anger is death for me,

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Alone, thinking of you, Sara Apples , وحدها، كنت أفكر،

Alone, thinking of you, I sat,
Recalling that smile, that chat.
Nothing, but you, I need.
My heart, my eyes, all bleed.
No words can describe how I feel.
No heart can bear it, flesh or steel.
Sara Apples

وحدها، كنت أفكر، جلست،
وإذ تشير إلى أن ابتسامة، أن الدردشة.
لا شيء، لكنك، ولست بحاجة.
قلبي، عيني، وكلها تنزف.
لا توجد كلمات يمكن أن تصف ما أشعر به.
لا يمكن لقلب تحمله، واللحم أو الصلب.

Monday 13 August 2012

Without you, life is a gloomy, Sara Apples , بدونك، الحياة كئيبة،

Without you, life is a gloomy,
Dark, eternal coma.
With you, life is a flower,
Charming with a delightful aroma
Sara Apples

بدونك، الحياة كئيبة،
داكن ، غيبوبة أبدية.
معكم، والحياة هي زهرة،
الساحرة مع رائحة لذيذ

Sunday 12 August 2012

The moon is green with envy, Sara Apples , القمر الاخضر مع الحسد،

The moon is green with envy,
The sun turned into ice.
The stars are shy of your cheeks,
And jealous of your eyes.
Sara Apples

القمر الاخضر مع الحسد،
تتحول الشمس الى الثلج.
النجوم هي خجولة من خديك،
وغيور على عينيك.

A Letter

A Letter

Dear my friend
I always wished to write what i feel but there is no need.In a day where dreams come
near after a long fear.I always wished for me and for sure for you, happy endings when
you always remember that there will be something waiting to enter ourlives, at any
time, sooner or later, after this braker along the waiters.
With drops of heaven..

by : Khaled Charkie

Saturday 11 August 2012

You're always on my mind, Sara Apples

Your love I bought,
And nothing else I need to buy.
You're always on my mind,
Truly, you're one of a kind.
My sweetheart you'll always be,
Whether I live, or die.
Sara Apples

حبك اشتريت،
ولا شيء غير ذلك ولست بحاجة لشراء.
كنت دائما على رأيي،
حقا، كنت واحدا من نوع ما.
بلدي الحبيب عليك أن تكون دائما،
إذا أنا أعيش، أو يموت.

Friday 10 August 2012

You deserve to be my Queen , Sara Apples , أنك تستحق أن الملكة بلدي


Your love conquered my mind.
Your beauty drove me blind.
I surrendered & obeyed,
No longer asking for aid.
Your look is sharp & keen,
You deserve to be my Queen.
Sara Apples

غزا حبك ذهني.
قاد حسنك لي أعمى.
استسلم أنا ويطاع،
لم تعد تطلب المعونة.
تبدو الخاص بك هو حاد وشديد،
أنك تستحق أن الملكة بلدي

Forgive Me!

Forgive Me!
Forgive me when i cry
Forgive me when i whine
Just forgive me when my words are just a lie
Oh very young what will you leave for us at this time?
A beautiful smile,
or a sun that will always shine
Don't tell me that you will go by
this is not the time to say good-bye
Please sit down and lie by,
because this is the time to describe
How could i fly, climb, and swim by the seaside

Thursday 9 August 2012

Daddy's love is a love

Daddy's love is a love

Daddy's love is a love
sent directly from the man above.
When the road is blurry
When my mind is confused
When my heart is broken
When I've been tossed and used.
When my nights are cloudy
and my days are long,
Something about his inspirational words,
keeps me striding along.
When my mind says give up
When I felt I've had enough
When I come to a conclusion,
I couldn't

Wednesday 8 August 2012

I want to be

I Am
I want to be,
I'm going to be,
I will be,
I will succeed.
I want to be,
I'm going to see,
I'm going to live right,
so my blessings can flow on me.
I will be,
I will be.
I will be everything
you said I would never be.
I will be that girl that you underestimated,
when you talked down on me.
I will succeed,
I wll succeed,
that's in me.
Driving my goals

I'll never let you down, beware, Sara Apples , أنا لن نخذلكم، حذار،

I'll never let you down, beware,
Nor will I forget you, I swear!
How could I forget your blonde hair?
Or your dark eyes, or your motherly care.
And I'll forever love you, is this fair?
Sara Apples

أنا لن نخذلكم، حذار،
ولن أنسى لك، أقسم!
كيف يمكن أن أنسى شعرك أشقر؟
أو عينيك الظلام، أو رعايتك الأمومي.
وأنا كنت أحب إلى الأبد، هل هذا عدل؟

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Do You See Me?

Do You See Me?

Do you see me?
Or do you see what's on the outside,
analyze, and judge me?
You only see what
What I choose to reveal
But do you really see me?
Do you see me?
The real me?
Take time to get to know me
instead of taken pieces of your thoughts
Putting them together,
Trying to figure me out.
Do you see me?
For Me?
Or who you expect?
Or what you want to see?

by : Ashli Bussey

Happy new Year 2011, Lucky Year 2011, Pray for 2011, عيد رأس السنة 2011، سنة 2011 لاكي، نصلي من أجل 2011

Life is so fast,
Days are very short,
Years changed in few months,
Months changed in few days,
Days changed in few hours,
Hours changed in few minutes,
Minutes changed in few micro seconds,
Seconds blew over like an air,
2011 knocks your door,
With lot of happiness,
With full of sweet dreams,
With so many hopes,
2011 crushed all your bad days,
Keep interest in deep,
For bringing peace in the world,
No war no hate,
You never be late,
For getting true love,
True life mate, true friend,
2011 is like a kind Mom,
Double one,zero,and two is lucky,
That is Cathy,
Is keeping her hands up for pray,
God bless this year like a Heaven,

English to Arabic translation
عيد رأس السنة 2011، سنة 2011 لاكي، نصلي من أجل 2011
الحياة بسرعة،
أيام هي قصيرة جدا،
تغيرت في السنوات بضعة أشهر،
أشهر تغير في أيام قليلة ،
أيام تغيير في ساعات قليلة،
ساعات تغيرت في غضون دقائق قليلة ،
دقيقة تغيير في ثوان قليلة الصغيرة،
فجر ثانية على مثل الهواء،
2011 يقرع الباب الخاص بك ،
مع الكثير من السعادة،
مع كامل أحلام سعيدة،
مع الكثير من الآمال،
2011 سحق كافة أيام سيئة،
ابقاء الفائدة في العميق ،
لإحلال السلام في العالم ،
اللا حرب واللا الكراهية ،
عليك أن تكون أبدا في وقت متأخر ،
للحصول على الحب الحقيقي ،
صحيح لم الحياة ، والصديق الحقيقي،
2011 هو مثل أمي نوع،
مزدوج واحد، صفر، والثاني هو محظوظ،
هذا هو كاثي،
هو الحفاظ على يديها بالتسجيل في الصلاة،
الله يبارك في هذا العام مثل السماء،

Monday 6 August 2012

Judge Me Not

Judge Me Not

Judge me not,
for I am renewed.
Judge me not,
for my past is brudley bruised.
Look into my eyes,
look into my soul.
Heart ache,
nothing cuts deeper,
than loneliness to the soul.
Judge me not,
for I'm not alone.
I am only human,
and bones.

by : Ashli Bussey

love and life for you , الحب والحياة بالنسبة لك


English to Arabic translation
الحب والحياة بالنسبة لك

أنت كل ما ،
أريد أبدا للمشاركة ،
بي الحب والحياة معه ،
شكرا لابتسامتك ،
الموروثة التي ،
غولدن ستايت ومفتاح قلبي ،
إذا احتجت مساعدة ،
في إيجاد طريقك ،
وسوف يكون هناك ،
لإرشادك على طول الطريق ،
أنا يريد أنت وأنت فقط ،
لأشاركه حياتي ،

Sunday 5 August 2012


I am a little fairy that dreams a lot.
I sit on my little mushroom daydreaming,
About what the world would look like if I was big!
Everything would look really small,
The birds and the other fairies would be small.
Never let anyone tell you that dreams are for fools.
Someday your dreams will come true.
Remember if you wish upon a star long enough,
Your dreams will come true.

by : Jessica

A perfect dream soars , تحلق حلم مثالي

I want you and only you,
Staring into your smiling face,
With lovely cheeks and innocent eyes,
A perfect dream soars through my mind,
Always feel you so sweet and kind,
A picture of us begins to bind…love

English to Arabic translation
تحلق حلم مثالي

أنا أريد منك وأنت فقط ،
يحدق في وجهك مبتسما ،
مع الخدود والعيون الجميلة البريئة ،
تحلق حلم الكمال من خلال رأيي ،
كنت أشعر دائما حلوة جدا والنوع ،
صورة واحد منا يبدأ ربط الحب...

Saturday 4 August 2012

My Angel

My Angel
My angel is the one who looks over me
My angel is the who cares for me
My angel is the one who loves me
My angel has beautiful brown eyes
My angel has beautiful black hair
My angel will be there when I get hurt
My angel will be the one that is always on my mind
He is the angel that keeps me breathing
He is the angel of my dreams
He is the angel that keeps me alive
My angel will cheer me

All my problems disappear , جميع مشاكل بلدي تختفي

Your hugs and kisses made,
All my problems disappear,
The joy you brought my life,
My heart never to despair,

English to Arabic translation
جميع مشاكل بلدي تختفي

العناق والقبلات الخاص بها ،
جميع مشاكل بلدي تختفي ،
فرحة حياتي جلبت لكم ،
قلبي أبدا لليأس ،

Friday 3 August 2012

Roses are Red

Roses are Red
roses are red
violets are blue
a red rose is my love for u
a white rose is my soul for u
a pink rose is a sweet kiss for u

by : Jessica Bousfield

MY HEART BEATS FASTER , دقات قلبي أسرع


English to Arabic translation
دقات قلبي أسرع

كل شيء كنت أشعر ،
من الصعب للاختباء من جميع ،
أحيانا أتساءل ما إذا كان هذا هو حقيقي ،
دقات قلبي أسرع من أجل هذا الحب ،
العلاقة بين أنت وأنا ،
هو الناشئة من اثنين النفوس ،

Thursday 2 August 2012

The Lost Teddy

The Lost Teddy
Once there was a little child who loved her teddy bear
She always has her teddy bear near her.
Her teddy bear keeps her happy when she’s asleep
The little child was in the bathroom, brushing her teeth
When a little fairy came in and took the little child’s teddy away
To a far away castle that no one knows about it
When the little child had finished doing her teeth, she notice her

Wednesday 1 August 2012

True friend

True friend
A true friend will be there for you no matter what
A true friend will listen to you if you have a problem
A true friend will care for you
A true friend offer you gum but not cigarettes
A true friend helps you to walk away from a fight but not start a fight
A true friend will let you to cry on their shoulder
A true friend will never judge you
A true friend will have your back when you

In a blink of an eye , غيرت مجرى حياتي العالم

You changed my world my life,
In a blink of an eye,
That is something I cannot deny,
You changed my worst in too the best,
You pushed me to be the best mom I can be

English to Arabic translation
في غمضة عين

غيرت مجرى حياتي العالم ،
في غمضة عين ،
هذا شيء لا أستطيع إنكاره ،
قمت بتغيير بلادي اسوأ في أفضل جدا ،
دفعك لي أن أكون أفضل أمي أنا يمكن

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Please, Be My Everlasting Love

This heart is beating fast, like the rain in daylight,
Standing in front of me like an enemy of love,
While two butterflies flying as the whispers in the night,
Hold me, please hold me this once, my desire,
My words are like the water that needs purified,
My passions are bended in their knees together,
How can I watch all of my doubts dreamed ?,
Please come back to me, my dear,
I know these eyes can't be fooled in,
Where joy and laughter is come upon,
You are the one, you are my life,
Please, be my everlasting love .....

Whenever i look to the horizon, I've see your name on it, come on my dear, come back home....

Sunday 24 June 2012